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e1337prodigy Blog

Snow and Superbowl

I took today off work because I watched my beloved Steelers win the superbowl last night. I was hoping I could enjoy the day while everyone else was at work but knowing my luck...

It was snowing all last night and early hours of this morning; in fact it is still snowing now. This is what really pisses me off with UK, a little bit of snow and suddenly we have to close the schools, public transport has been stopped and apparently 6million people have not gone into work. But what about all those people that have got into work, I feel sorry for you I really do.

Snow and UK meltdown as snow reaches 10" - whoopdeef***ingdo.

I bet all you Americans/Canadians are laughing at us not being able to cope with a bit of snow. Don't blame you, even I am laughing at how pathetic this country is.

By the way, the superbowl was brilliant. What a comeback by Ben and Steelers offense. Lots of emotions through that game, and I really didn't see them coming back and winning; but they did :) .

My car hits 1337 status

My car has officially hit 1337 status making me the coolest guy on the planet. It's a very exclusive club; as far as I know, I'm the only one in it 8)...

I Bought Conan before reading the GameSpot review

Sorry Gamespot, I could not wait.

My very first go at a MMO (there is no way I'm playing WoW). AoC is a adults game. So far so good I'm enjoying it. The only problems I have with the game are:

Monthly Subscriptions (If it helps the development of the game then sure its fine).

To sell items and weapons you have to go all the way to White sands Island (I think thats what it is called). I could not find any NPC to sell items to in the main city. If someone has the game and there is, please let me know.

One of the quests I had to go back and forward between different people in different cities. Was a waste of time. I think I killed one tiger in his basement and that was it.

I'm on the Hyrkania server if anyone is interested in joining me. Name is Prodigy and currently level 16.

The problem with an office job...

.. is when you take Annual Leave you are not actually taking a day off. You just do double the work when you get back in. When you put your MS outlook on 'out of office' you still get the emails and when you get in from Annual Leave you still end up reading those emails and acting on them. Even though you are on Annual Leave when you get them.

So what's the point?

Time for a new TV?

Was in the middle of Forza 2 and the screen went black and the TV start making clicking sounds. I paused the game and turned the channel with the buttons but still no picture. I turned it off and on again and still making clicking sounds. Went round the back and smelt like it was cooking (it smelt nice though).

Any ideas? Maybe it's time I ordered that 26" HDTV.

My first review - Forza 2 (Xbox 360)

I have written my first review for this site (so go easy on me). Just thought I should spread the word on how great that game really is. You can find it in my contributions tab above.

At the moment it is in two big blocks of text, so it's not very appealing to read. If anyone can tell me how to add paragraphs it would be appreciated. Thanks.

Better get back to unlocking those endurance events, which is what I'm really looking forward to.

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