My last blog post must have been at least a year ago. Damn, much has changed. Honestly, I see no reason to update my blog since nobody reads it anyways, but I'm bored as **** so before I go to bed I'm gonna do this. Well, I'm one of the uncool people who doesn't have an Xbox 360 or PS3 and instead has a Wii. It ain't that bad but, ehh, I'd kinda rather have a PS3.The Xbox 360 is cool and all, but I know too many people who have gotten the RRoD, and I don't want to succumb to that.So, I got a Wii. Things aren't bad, but I'm missing out on all the coolness of the other consoles. The Wii just seems so weak compared to the other juggernaut consoles. And my PC isn't powerful enough to run most new games so I'm screwed there too. Damn, I wish I still had my old Xbox. That thing could pull off graphics just as good as the Wii if not better, and I sure as hell miss that controller. Motion controls aren't that great you know. Ever play Jet Set Radio Future? Yeah, game kicks ass. But now I'm stuck with my Wii, which can play Gamecube games, but those games aren't so great either. The Gamecube disk can barely hold any data, making the GC version of games usually inferior to the PS2 or Xbox versions. Also, the GC controller is just messed up compared to the Xbox controller I'm used to. I think I'd most be used to the Xbox 360 controller, because beside the d-pad (if you can call it that), everything feels right to me. I think the thumbsticks on the Dual Shock controllers are placed weirdly, I ain't used to it. And the Wii...damn, probably the weirdest controller to date. The way the buttons are positioned and the way you hold it, it's so weird. Simple games usually have you just pointing and clicking, but more complex games can be awkward to control at first, unless of course it's one of Nintendo's masterpieces because they somehow always get the controls perfect. Metroid Prime Corruption just felt right. Well anyways, I'm tired as heck so I'm finishing this off in an anti-climactic way. Bye.
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