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earthlyrage Blog


i hear the fear in your voice, and the breaking beats of your heart. are you there. are you here. here with me. in the midst of everything. life, love, pain, trust, hope, death. are you here with me, to see me grow old. grow old with you. no. no you are not. and that is your choice. because even if i no longer have you near. even if i can no longer smell your sent, of feel your touch. we will fall very slowly together. i will see you at the bottom my dear.

after 21 days

im bored. im bored so im writing a blog, arnt you happy tegan. anyway i feel like being normal and none of that 'what you do with your own life crap' im going to be normal. (well i cant really say 'this' is normal tegan but im going to give it a try). im getting my friends xbox for my bithday, yes its my brithday too . and i was just wondering even if this is tegan what games i should get which are decent. beacuse i dont want to ask you at school and i cant be bothered phoning you which im probly going to do any way but yer. if youy know any and i can be bothered or have enought dignaty to by same games haha :) can you let me know. thank you. okay in my head im pissing myself right now :) your sincerely.. hahahahahaha love you dude, PEACE OUT TEGAN

to you tegan - please read with great care :)

time. it is either gained or lost. it can not be refunded or be put on lay-by. you can not buy it, you can not consume it. you are not surrounded by it. you have time sure. but how much time do you really have? do you have enough to go skiing in the Alps with an alpaca on your back? or go scuba diving with the titanic? do we really have enough time to live the way we want to life, or the way other people do?. you can not say you were pushed, or pressured into time, you can only say that you have wasted time doing it. maybe your wasting time reading this or maybe im wasting time writing this but its my choice and so its your time you are wasting as well. not mine not your mothers, your fathers, sisters or the dogs, it yours and yours only. so spend it as you wish. live. do not waste your time. and do not blame me for wasting your time, beause you choose to do it by yourself.

see my plan worked! mwahaha 20 seconds of your life wasted tegan! hehe :D

to you

I have friends, yes you may not believe that but i do have friends :) more than you realise. But the thing about my friends is that they are not normal, correction they are competely abnormal. Serious if you saw them you would think that they came out of a toxic waste dump with all the tox-ions they have comsumed over the years by Tegans nasties. But deep down they are truly the type that would sit at your feet all day even if their bottoms when numb they would still do it for you. First things first i must say that there are a few things that would make swinging on swing so enjoyable i mean have you ever felt the rush? the excitement? the joy? everything that must be felt for your childhood to be real. Lost it an you are no longer a child. you are no longer a boy or a girl. you are no longer a man or woman. you are dead, dead to the world, dead to all. But their is one thing that would bring you back down, down from the pain, from the sorrow, the disapointment of death, its your friends. Friends that understand, friends that laugh when you cry, and cry when you laugh, when it makes their day to see you happy or when they use up their time trying to make you happy. Because when you have that you have the world at your feet.