Yeah whenever I here PS2, etc...I'm just like wait what..retro?
What are you 10? Then I guess that would be retro to you.
I even feel iffy saying Genesis and Super Nintendo are retro!
But I think now in 2010 we can safely say that they are. But when you're talking about system that were out not even 5 years ago..that is by no way shape or form, retro.
I mean in this form Legacy Platforms, talking about those systems is cool because we have no where's else to talk about them..but when you want to put them in retrospect as calling them retro...that's just a little too much.
Not to be a jerk I just think these kids are little "halo" 13 year old nerd's when I hear them talk about PS2 and stuff like it's retro...I don't know why but that is what comes to mind haha
eastcoasteric's forum posts
[QUOTE="eastcoasteric"]and many post do you have?[QUOTE="xaos"] But with there being so many other sites that already offer that, what is so special about Gamespot that you want to try to change this place rather than use one of the others?xaos
Man, get some SUN buddy! Ah, the old "get a life, it's just the internet" copout :)
Yeah huge copout seeing I addressed your so called question, at least I can even answer.
More like the only cop out here is you :)
[QUOTE="eastcoasteric"]I'm not saying a full blown un-censored site, I meant something as in the rules should be more "loose" seeing there is a age req to join the site. But with there being so many other sites that already offer that, what is so special about Gamespot that you want to try to change this place rather than use one of the others?[QUOTE="xaos"]Well, if the TOS went out the window, I'd probably shortly follow suit. there are about 5 billion sites around where people can go to post swears, porn, and various hate-filled drivel. I, for one, appreciate quite a bit a more restrained environment. Besides, I enjoy the challenge of being filthy and lewd without violating the TOS.xaos
are you truely NOT reading anything i'm writing?
You wouldn't even asked that question if you would of taken the time to stop trying to act "coy" and did a little thinking.
I clearly said I've been going onto Gamespots site since it was ( which was like 12 years AGO?! )
I know the lay out of the site and I enjoy the review's , most of the time.
ALSO I said I never really cared for the fourms until as of late I decided to make a new account(seeing my old one was suspended a thousand times and it "disapeered" after I defended a un-named gentlemen who got fired from their review staff..HMM ) and start blabbing on here.
Why would you go somewhere's else just to post on fourms if you felt like it if you felt comfortable with the layout and the page as it is, that is like saying... I go on myspace to post my picture but I go onto facebook to add friends.
I'm just getting a kick of people calling systems like PS2,XBOX and GC...retro?
Come on people.
Get educated , there is more to life then the "big 3" companies.
Go pick up a Neo Geo and get the Metal Slug games dude and thank me later.
Also to add to that, it's rather funny because I live in Syracuse, NY ... we have a pretty large mall here and each time I go to the mall that once in a blue moon to go shopping I always tend to go to their arcade they have there where it's some d-bag behind the counter that doesn't even care about videogames working and they always have that one Galaga machine or Pac-Man/Donkey Kong machine in there and the rest is just all flash and color and "ticket" machines...they do have the new Time Crisis game which is very good but they want 4 quaters a pop!.....way too much.
I always get sad because I see a lot of younger people in there playing all these garbage games and that is going to be there memory of a "arcade" and it's a shame they will never get to know what a real one with REAL games use to be.
The real arcade machines if any, always seem to be hidden in some weird conrner of the place and are either A: never on or B:are not maintained and look like they are about to die at any minute.
It just goes to show the respect these places have for the machines that helped start it all or that were truely groundbraking in their time.
the modern day arcade is a pile of you know what.
I miss the "glory days" of arcades, not the mess you see nowadays. Now almost every arcade is filled with ticket winning games, lame. I remember once going into an arcade and seeing a line just to play Tekken Tag or any big fighting game. You don't see that any more :( Luckily, where I live there's still an arcade that has some of the goodies. Ninja Turtles (4 players!), The Simpsons (4 players!), Xmen (6!!) and a lot of good fighting games and shooting games.
This goes to the downfall of man in general where it's about instant gratification , they are all easy mindless ticket games because of a couple of breif reasons ( in my opinion )
- Consumers don't want to think about how to do anything anymore, it's easier looking at something and going (ball goes into hole) YAYYYY! Instead of looking at a confusing lay out of buttons that do different thing's, I blame this on the infamous splew of "casual" games out now, which are in no sense BAD but there is a line that needs to be drawn in the sand.
-You put 50 cents in a machine you face a challenge you beat it, end of game. Now tickets come out of machines because everyone want's to be rewarded for doing something, people are as dumb as dog crap to think a paper ticket justifies putting in more money into a worthless mindless game of "hit the cute little goffer on the head with a pink mallet" and get a ticket vs having a good time and a challenge with a solid arcade game machine.
Bottom line, people want to be rewarded for everything they do now, it's a overkill of the senses where some machines even just give you tickets for playing...we are America and after all we "NEVER" loose , right?
-And lack of supply and demand with home consoles easily MORE powerful then most arcade machines ( which arcade machines could trump the living balls off a console but the price tag would be too much of a turn off to the store buyer , they have to make their money back and a 30% profit increase ) It's easier to make a bunch of "point-click" machines that spit out some tickets or some 10cent toy made in Korea. Cheaper and they are in demand....unless we live in Japan..the modern day arcade is dead in America.
But I totttalllyyy agree, those games you've listed above we're infact cla$$ic's...and they helped stay cla$$ic's mainly because they never reached consoles making them arcade exclusives...inwhich jacked up the value of them to the player because now they had to go to the arcade to play them instead of paying 5 bucks and being a slob on the couch and renting it.
But I miss it too, to me spending a little extra was worth it , getting a soda with your friends and some candy and enjoying some rounds on a few arcade machines, it was fun and to me it was a long lasting symbol of early 90's gaming history, it has just been over looked by a lot of people...and it's a damn shame.
Well, if the TOS went out the window, I'd probably shortly follow suit. there are about 5 billion sites around where people can go to post swears, porn, and various hate-filled drivel. I, for one, appreciate quite a bit a more restrained environment. Besides, I enjoy the challenge of being filthy and lewd without violating the TOS.xaos
I'm not saying a full blown un-censored site, I meant something as in the rules should be more "loose" seeing there is a age req to join the site.
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