eastwood77's forum posts
Anyone Know if the DNIe makes games look better on the LCD HDTV. I have 32 samsung that dosnt have it just the newer models.
THe new samsung have DNIe on them. My 32 hdtv lcd dosnt.Does it make any changes on the game looking better. Digital natural image engine.
wanted to ask i have 32 lcd hadtv samsung. I have it hooked to the computer and works great when i shut the computer down and tv when i come back on latter its has the pc looking for single when computers is off so I goto menu to change to tv but the screen goes black cant switch it to tv so i turn of and do it again same thing but if i turn computer on everything works fine I switch to tv. So the onley thing i can do is when im shutting down compter i switch it to tv before computer shuts of. Then when i turn tv back on everthing fine. Its just does it when i shut computer down and tv whith out switching to tv. Anyone else with same problem.
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