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RIP Arrested Development

Why, America? Why? Why didn't you watch it? Why did you let another good show die? Fox, why didn't you advertise it well? Why didn't you give it a good time slot? @#&%!

Arrested Development is back tonight!

8 pm, Fox, TWO new episodes. I'm reminding you, just in case you forget. Since I refuse to believe that anyone, anywhere would not want to watch Arrested Development, naturally the reason it's getting such low rating is because everyone is forgetting. So don't forget!

Paris is burning

Well, certain Paris suburbs to be exact. Including where my boyfriend lives, Bobigny. I'm going to call him in a few hours to make sure his car didn't mysteriously catch fire. Today is Eid, so I don't think he has work. I'm so pissed off at France right now. The best way to represent how I feel is with this emoticon:  Granted, I'm usually pissed at France because the way they treat immigrants just sickens me, but this is out of control. Tear gas in a mosque during the last days of Ramadan? That's just too much. Someday when I'm feeling more articulate I'll write a long-winded rant about France's xenophobia/Islamophobia. Oh, and I realize that it's cheap to say "..and I'll justify my crazy opinions later!", but this is my blog and I'll do what I damn well please!

RE: My Suspension

I was recently suspended from for 5 days. I won’t say that I didn't deserve it; quite honestly, I think I had it coming. The post I was suspended for wasn't very offensive, but I've been building up my -ness over a number of weeks and I guess it finally caught up with me. From now on I'll have to try extra hard to keep my flaming subtle and well above the level where the flamee would notice. Anyway, I’m not too bothered by my suspension. I’m also really touched by the fact that people actually noticed I was gone and seemed to miss me. Thanks, everybody! Having internet friends is now 75% as good as having real friends! I may not have been able to browse the forums over the past 5 days, but in a way my suspension was a good thing. I got so much work done, I'm actually ahead in some of my classes! My attention span actually increased. See, for someone who typically spends an abnormal amount of time on a website devoted to TV, I very rarely ever actually watch TV. That’s because, thanks to the internet, my attention span is so low that I actually can't stand to sit still for a whole half-hour. I've made a graph chronicling the inverse relationship between severity of internet addiction and attention span.  Point A is where I was prior to my suspension, point B where I am now: above the bare minimum attention span required to watch TV. Eventually I hope to move my way back up to point C, where I will be able to read books again (for fun, not for school work), but I don’t see that happening any time soon. Of course, I'm rapidly moving back down the scale, now that I'm back. Oh well.

you should of learned you're grammer

If reading that title doesn't hurt your eyes, you need to work on your grammar. Lately, I've taken it upon myself to fix grammatical errors whenever I see them in episode descriptions, allusions, trivia, notes, etc. Usually my edits are accepted, because hey, I'm right. But lately, a lot of them from a particular show have been rejected. Personally, I thought the grammatical errors in question were so obviously wrong that they didn't really need explanation, but that was my mistake. When I have time, I will resubmit them with a full and complete explanation, complete with sources from Dr. Grammaticians and whatnot. Here are some examples of what I tried to change, except using entirely made up stuff instead of the stuff I actually tried to change. I think I'm right (as always), but I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me if I'm actually wrong (but say it nicely!): 1: The words "mom" and "dad" should be capitalized when used as names, but left in lower case in other instances:
Julie: Ben, Mom said not to eat the cookies! Julie: My boyfriend's dad tried to kill me with a shovel.
2: Words like "wanna" and "gonna" should be changed to "want to" and "going to". Yes, I know that when we speak it often sounds more like "wanna" than "want to", but spelling should never be based on pronunciation unless there is a very compelling reason. Writing "wanna" instead of "want to" is no different than writing "should of" instead of "should have" (and God help you if you don't know why "should of" is wrong!). I say "Warshington" when I speak, but I don't write it that way. In my mind, "wanna" and "gonna" are in the same category. 3: The first letter of a word after a comma should not be capitalized.
WRONG: Julie: Oh Ben, Are you eating those cookies? RIGHT: Julie: Oh Ben, are you eating those cookies?
Very annoying, no? 4:
Your vs. You're There vs. Their vs. They're Hear vs. Here Than vs. Then To vs. Too vs. Two By vs. Bye vs. Buy
You were supposed to have learned this stuff in sixth grade English class! This is just not rocket science, people! Learn how to use the freakin' English language! Ok, I'm getting bored with this blog entry, so I'm going to wrap it up and maybe do more later. Or maybe not. Meh.

I won a Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD

I just got this PM: [quote="TV_Contest"] Hi there, You have been randomly selected to win a Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD from the Bones and House Giveway you entered. Please respond with your e-mail address, home address and phone number for shipment. Thanks for entering! -Your friends at

So that's pretty cool. I've never actually seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I wonder if I will like it. Mostly I wonder if they will actually send it to me. I like winning stuff, it makes me feel special.

Crazy Virginia Laws

I started my mythic quest for crazy Virginia laws at this website, which lists the legal age of consent for heterosexual and homosexual relationships in pretty much every country. I wasn't actually looking for crazy Virginia laws at the time, just crazy sex laws all over the world. But of course, it's much more fun to look at crazy sex laws when they actually apply to you, as opposed to, say, Iranians. I find it pretty odd that a lot of countries allow heterosexual sex at a certain age but don't allow homosexual sex until later. In Serbia, for example, you can have heterosexual or lesbian sex at 14, but not gay man-sex until 18. Are gay teenage girls more responsible than gay teenage boys? I guess they must be, since surely no country would base their laws on anything but hard scientific fact. Next on my quest, I found the age of consent laws for my very own "proud" home of Virginia. Don't worry, I'm not one of those Virginians. I'm a Northern Virginian, and please be sure to note the distinction. We're different, and we don't appreciate being associated with other Virginians. I'm not sure this website is entirely up to date because I recall a recent Supreme Court ruling.. something about homosexual something or other.. nope, it's gone.. don't remember. Finally I actually and looked up the notorious Code of Virginia. Boy, it sure sounds official, doesn't it. Let's explore: [quote="Virginia"]§ 18.2-345. Lewd and lascivious cohabitation. If any persons, not married to each other, lewdly and lasciviously associate and cohabit together, or, whether married or not, be guilty of open and gross lewdness and lasciviousness, each of them shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor; and upon a repetition of the offense, and conviction thereof, each of them shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

If you'll note, there's no actual definition of what lewdly living together actually entails. Not here, not anywhere else in The Code. Luckily they don't enforce these laws, because they're pretty imprecise. So remember: don't live together before marriage. It will get you jail for six months or a $1000 fine. [quote="Virginia"]§ 18.2-344. Fornication. Any person, not being married, who voluntarily shall have sexual intercourse with any other person, shall be guilty of fornication, punishable as a Class 4 misdemeanor.

Also, remember not to have sex before marriage. That's a $250 fine. [quote="Virginia"]§ 18.2-361. Crimes against nature; penalty. A. If any person carnally knows in any manner any brute animal, or carnally knows any male or female person by the anus or by or with the mouth, or voluntarily submits to such carnal knowledge, he or she shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony, except as provided in subsection B.

Oral sex is a Class 6 felony. That's jail for at least one year and no less than five. I'm not sure I understand why oral sex is so much worse than plain old sinful unmarried sex or adultery, but I guess that's why I'm not in the state legislature writing all these important laws. That's all for now, perhaps I shall find more later. Until then, remember not to have oral sex in Virginia.

Ignorant people make my head explode

Mohammed claimed God gave him the true revelation, hence why we now have the Islam religion. Mohammed is given the glory, amongst their "Allah". That's correct, I didn't use God, because in truth, once you cut into the deep surface, the true God isn't the god from the Islam religion.Bango_Berryrush
I hate, hate, hate people who know absolutely nothing about Islam yet talk about it as if they know everything about it. Generally I try to be peaceful and not hate people, even people who are jerks to me (and there are quite a few), but this is going too far. Allah is God, God is Allah. That's all there is to it. You don't need to be a Muslim to understand this simple fact. Even Arab Christians (and there are plenty of them, especially in America) use the word "Allah" to talk about God. Even 19th century Christian orientalist writers understand that the God that Muslims worship is the same God that Christians worship. Do Spanish people actually worship a different God because they call Him "Dios"? Do French people worship a different God because they call Him "Dieu"? Of course not. Christians, Muslims, and Jews all believe that there is only one God, that God created the universe and everything in it, that we will all be judged by God on Judgment day, that there is heaven and hell, that God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. We even all believe in the exact same prophets, with the exception of Jesus and Muhammad. Why, why, why do so many Christians not want to understand that we worship the same God?

I'm awesome.. but stupid

It was pointed out to me that the reason my banner wasn't showing up for me was because I had titled it "banner", and Norton blocks things called "banner" because they are usually advertisements. I have since remedied the problem by creatively renaming the file "blarg". Who ever would have thought!

I am SO awesome

I posted a joke thread in the Off-Topic forum called "Ask me what it's like to be so awesome". Some people got the joke and thought it was funny. Some people got the joke and didn't think it was funny. Most people, however, didn't get the joke and didn't think it was funny. So I reckon I've gotten myself quite a few enemies just for proclaiming my awesomeness, but I don't mind. I guess the world (or at least the Off-Topic forum) just isn't ready for my kind of awesomeness quite yet.
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