Well im a big fan of the comics atvgcats.com andfanboys-online.com and im thinking of making one of my own only problem is i cant draw so i'll probably use one of thoose comic book creator things in theese comics i'll make fun of games important recent events and movies (if im not too lazy to get up and go to the movies.) I 'll keep you posted.
eatspie Blog
Man i just realized...
by eatspie on Comments
Man i just realized after a week a waiting for the games i rented from gamefly i have no games in my collection. This my collection: crackdown lostplanet uno small arms ghost recon advanced war fighter and viva pinata man i am so bored waiting.Well atleast i still got halo 2 to play.
Am I the only one dissapointed with e3
by eatspie on Comments
I mean cmon now we barely got anything out of this year just a bunch of winter titles a few demos and trailors e3s suppose to bring us crap we dident know about all it did was bring us trailors of crap we did know about my god and it was closed to the public and there were no light shows im seriouslyy pissed that i dident get to go this would've been my second year going and my brothers first year going well whatever atleast we got to see some mercenaries 2 crap.Oh also im leaving xbox live for a little while so i can focus on playing Star War Galaxies seriously despite bad reviews its a great game. Goodbye and may the force be with you.
E3 Day 1
by eatspie on Comments
Well this year like the host ladysaid on G4 E3 is closed to the public and the list of people has gone from 60,000 to a mere3,000 any way thats not too bad atleasty we get to see a trailer of halo wars and a demo of halo 3. But other thanthat theres not much other interesting news other than the fact that lucas arts is making another shooter game called Fracture. Hopefully by tommorow well get some news on games like Grand Theft Auto 4 and Fable 2. Oh and I just find out i cant say s u c k s i wonder why?
7 MORE Days!!!
by eatspie on Comments
Only 7 more days till the releas of the 5th installment of the movie versions ofharry potter man I cant wait till this comes out I just saw the fourth movie for the first time yesterday and I loved it I have to say It was better than the book because I could see the action unfold right before my very eyes.Also another Harry Potter book is coming soon I saw a poster advirtising the book yesterday. I now the poster below says july 13th but according to the previews itreleases july 11th
Well ive finally decided to sell my ps2
by eatspie on Comments
Well i've finally decided to sell my ps2, my ps2 controllers, the hdd, and all my games, which makes me wonder what will you guys be doing with your ps2s?
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