@Sevenstorms Dude I love Titanfall as well but I was trying to figure out if Infamous was worth getting a PS4 or not? Lets not with the Flame wars. Pretty please??? I understand I look at the Titanfall news and see it all the time.
How is the content? Will I be bored in 3 days. I was considering a PS4 but I have been trying to find a game that could sell me. I didn't like Uncharted because I finished it in 3 days and did almost everything possible in the game. I was told by my buddy it was too short. I want to hear more opinions?
@adrianjarca You really don't listen much. You never played the game. Just face it your going straight fanboy. If you didn't enjoy it I would expect that. But you missed the point of the statement. You only came to the post to validify your choice of another system. If your terrible at FPS's why post about something that it not your type of game. Total waste of time and effort dude. I hate cod personally. but I love running around walls and having a titan fight for me. It rocks. You should play a game before judging it that's why they are reviewers.
@northArrow I'm happy with the games I am getting. They are all nice changes of pace games that I may have been interested in but never purchased. your satisfaction is solely on you.
@CaveManCobb @sammoth @Anthonyccc not really, PS+ is like a demo. XL is giving you games. Not that I like all the games but they are yours forever. after that month.
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