ecaftraf's forum posts
Link and OoT.morbious17same here
I wish I could say Link, but I am going with Cloud on this. Here is why:i agree
Cloud will first use Haste on himself to make himself faster. Than he will use stop magic on Link. Now Cloud could either do this in two ways. Do an omnislash on Link while Link is frozen or full out magic attack against the frozen link. Either way Link is dead. Or he could just summon Bahamut, Neo Bahumat, Bahumat Zero, and still Link is dead. I just don't see Link beating Cloud even though I wish he can. So I am going with Cloud here.
What color would u maake links close if u could change the color permanently
i would mak it blk
[QUOTE="natiko"][QUOTE="Sizzletop"]helloHey you predicted that I was going to close the last thread by the time that you got here were right!!That's cuz i'm psycho, er... I mean psychic
hey me too
whats the name of the gamewe now have more post then the garden of gods union
20096 posts WE FRIGGIN RULE!
and oh yeah A zelda game is comin to the ds :lol:
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