@dashboardman you could have made a valid point if you considered the entire review and didn't obsess over one point. You could have even approached the matter of some ridiculous cons that are mainly artificial in an intelligent manner. However, this manic compulsiveness to respond and spam the comment box with this "insight" so to speak, only detracts from any valid point you had about the review.
Take a Breath, a step back, and try to make you point sound intelligent.
Great review, it’s amusing that your review and IGN's review contrast completely on a couple points. A not so subtle reminder th.at in the end, and at the risk of sounding clique, reviews are opinions and the only absolute truth one’s personal thoughts and feelings about a game.
Despite this, a heartened reader can scrutinize the articulated aspects of a review, connecting the dots so to speak from a particular praise to why such a point requires praise or if an aspect falls short, then the reason it fell short and what is lost in the experience are comprehensively valid.
In Colin Moriarty’s review, one such aspect that was pulled out of the deluge of pros and cons didn't connect upon consideration. Implementing the the pickup weapon action from a button toggle, subsequently took away from the “exploration” of a level. Which might make sense on some level, but the proposed “auto loot” function upon walking over a weapon doesn't, in my opinion, add in any way to this “exploratory” notion mentioned earlier in his review. In fact, walking over a weapon that was automatically added to your inventory only adds to the anonymity and insignificance of what’s being picked up, and as a result destroying any notion or purpose to a player’s exploration.
Anyways, I've written to much, don’t read my bull sh*t. Good Review!
@Esxi, they have changed the leveling system to be alot like fallout. some places are going to have very power ful enemies, and others will be pretty week, but they are intuitive to that particular location. That was one of the issues that they addressed and so your wish could be granted on that regard. As I leveled up, I would turn down the difficulty a could clicks to give me the illusion of being a bad ass dude!!!
Yeah I got to watch this last night when it was released on the skyrim blog. AHHH got this looks so amazing. Maybe some frame rate issues, but I am certain that its my internet connection!!!! The game looks excellent right now, they should just release it now!!!!!!!!!! Everything coming out until this game is just passing the time
echoedpulse23's comments