Got featured on the GSPN
GameSpot Players Network Winter Roster
November 14, 2012 10:39AM PSTBy Staff
GSPN Roster is your one stop place to find other players like yourself!
Gamer ID(s): Steam: eddy96 / PSN: eddy96 / Xbox: edrobertsonÂ
Timezone: GMT +8.0Â
Now Playing: World of Warcraft, Black Ops 2, Mass Effect 2Â
Platforms of choice: PC, PS3 and XboxÂ
Gameplay frequency: 20+ hours a weekÂ
Attributes: Competitive, Mature, Achievement Hunter, Trophy Hunter, Socialite, Collectors, Completionist, Shooters, Strategists, RPGr, Storyteller, Rush player, Quirky, Soloist, Explorer, Survivalists, Team Player, and Wild Card.Â
Seeking: Same as all of my attributesÂ
About me
Aussie gamer who is open to everything
Are you a game collector ?
Yep nothing beats a physical copy of a game. I must admit i am a sucker for collectors editions
How current do you keep with the games?
I keep very current with games. I have a gaming PC so have to make good use of it :PÂ
Are you an achievement or trophy hunter?
I do enjoying going after achievements and trophies.
Are you a completionist?
I do like to complete games but not fussed if i don't complete 100% of the game
Do you jump right into the Multiplayer version of a game?
Depending on the game. Some games I don't bother with multiplayer and just stick to single player eg. crysis, GTA 4, Red Dead Redemption. I do go straight to multiplayer for COD though
How long have you been gaming?
Since i was physically able to hold the original gameboyÂ
Related Links
- Homepage Robbed Design
- Twitter:Â eddrobertsonÂ
- Instagram:Â eddrobertson
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