edge1000's forum posts
actully iv liked 1 cat and it was my grandmas, and my old cats, but i dont like any other 1s
cause every time i got to my cuzins house they try to put their devil demon kittys in my face and make me hold it ,i tell them no and they still try to.
and oncee my friend threw hit cat at me and i still got the scar,
i used to have 2 cats and they both ran away.
i just dont like them, never have never will
can u play online mode on ds? if u can what cords and stuff do i need and how can i tell if a game can be played online
no i never had saying that halo2(BACK WHEN IT WAS POPULAR IN LIKE 2004) came with a free month of xbl and it expired in like 9 months idk whats gold and silver?
ok i was in my room playing the ps2....... i had 2 tvs on ( 1 for the game and 1 to watch tv) and i also had a heater where u can plug in the wall running..and i had a lamp.... plugged in(but not in use) the 2 tvs pluged in,the ps2 cord pluged in,and the cable box plugged in.....well it was still very cold in my room after like 1 hour after i turned the heater on high because it was still freezing in my room ...( i forgot to mention that i also had the room light on as well) so after like another hour.... everything turns off on me......and i was wouering so i tryed turning the lights back and and it wouldn't work so i unpluged everything in the room,,, and it still wouldn't work and then i told my our room ate and he said....its probly just a curcit breaker thing.. can that start a fire? what does this mean? how do i get it fixed? how much will it cost? and is this dangorus?
and all the other lights in the house work except the lights in my room!
what i mean by how do u set up xbox live(original xbox)
i mean well i dont have a 360 i have a original xbox....and iv never played xbl unless it was at friends house....and i dont know how to set it up and stuff
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