There are times when I am at work where days seem to smash into another, and I totally loose track of days. So on this, the seventh anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, I would like to reminisce about a dear friend and role model.
Heather Ho was the Pastry Chef at the Windows of the World Restaurant at the top of the World Trade Center. She was a fantastic Pastry Chef, but most of all she was my friend, and someone whom I try to model my career after. Her professionalism and skill made her one of the top Pastry Chefs in the country, and her death on 9/11 was felt by all in the industry whether they knew her or not.
For me, like many people, 9/11 is one of those events where you remember exactly where your were, and what you were doing when the event happened. I was living in West Virginia at the time, and I woke up at 10:36 am. I turned on the tv, and for whatever reason, it was tuned into CNN, which was odd because the tv is usually tuned onto an HBO channel because I like to watch movies to unwind before I go to bed. Still for some reason, I was watching CNN the night before so this morning when I woke up it was impossible for me to miss. The most unfortunate thing about her death was that she had given her notice, but had agreed to continue to work at Windows until they were able to find a replacement. The suddenness and unexpected nature of the attacks serve as a constant reminder to me that I should live everyday as if it were my last. To have no regrets, and to never ponder on the what was, or what could have been. I live in the now because for all I know, I could die tomorrow, or even two minutes from now.
"It is wise for me to think about the past, and to learn from my past, but it is not wise for me to be in the past. For that is how I lose myself. It is also wise to think about the future, and to prepare for my future, but it is not wise for me to be in the future. For that too is how I lose myself. And when I lose myself, I lose what is most precious to me." ~Spencer Johnson, The Precious Present
Heather, you were a shining light in the world, and you are sorely missed.
10. Hagrid: I agree that any member of the Order of the Pheonix is at risk, but I think that Hagrid is one of the most least likely of the Order to die. The book says that he is at risk for the sole reason that he has become a "marginalized character." I think that this is faulty reasoning. I don't see Hagrid fighting on the front lines against the deatheaters. He isn't a fully trained wizard, and most of the fighting will be done by Ministry Aurors. Hagrid will be where he is needed most, and that will be at Hogwarts helping Professor McGonagall, and teaching his Magical Creatures class. Unless the school is attacked again, I don't see Hagrid in much danger. However, Hagrid would easily give his life to save any of his friends, and it is that reason that he is still in my top 10.
9. Narcissa Malfoy: Although the people at Mugglenet seem to think that Draco is a goner, I don't see him buying it. Draco is a coward. The predicament that he got himself into in HBP was a result of stupidity. I don't see him making this mistake again. He won't do anything to put himself in harms way. The only way that Draco would be at risk is if Voldemort decided to kill him to further punish the Malfoys. If this should happen, then Narcissa will no doubt give her life to save Draco.
8. Remus Lupin: As much as I hate the idea of the last of the Marauders dying, Remus will very much be on the frontlines of any battle. After the death of Sirius, he will deffinitly be out to get Pettigrew, and that could make him wreckless. 7. Tonks: Tonks will also be on the front lines, and depending on how serious her relationship is with Lupin, she will most likely be right in the thick of things.
6. Harry: I'm placing Harry a little higher on my list because of J.K.'s adimant desire that no one continue the Harry Potter series after book seven. The only way that she could possible ensure this is to kill off her character. Agitha Christie did it with Hercule Poirot, so it is not entirely unheard of. Although I want Harry to live happily everafter, I could see him going out in a blaze of glory. The only other option is somehow leaving Harry powerless. In essence turning him into a Squib.
5. Mr. Weasley: Let me just say that I totally disagree with the book giving Mrs. Weasly even odds of dying. I think that Mrs. Weasley is probably the safest character in the book. Harry has already had to endure the loss of one mother. Loosing another one would be just cruel on J.K.'s part, and I don't think that she would do that to her fans. If anything, the Death of Mrs. Weasley would be worse than loosing his real mother because Harry never knew his mother Lily. Mrs. Weasley is the only mother that he has ever known. Mr. Weasly on the other hand is a different story however. To Harry, Mr. Weasley fills the roll of favorite uncle than father figure. It is bucause of this that I think that he is at risk of dying.
4. Snape: I agree with what they say in the book. Snape will no doubt sacrifice himself to save Harry. It is because of this that I moved Snape higher on my list.
3. Peter Pettigrew: Although Pettigrew will most likely try to run the first time things start to look bad, but there is still the issue of his life debt to Harry. Mugglenet puts a lot of emphasis on this (I had totally forgotten about it). If there is some sort of Magical bond, then Pettigrew will probably die wile trying to repay his debt.
2. Bellatrix Lestrange: If J.K. wasn't so adimant about the story ending at book seven, I would say that Bellatrix would be one character sure to survive the book. Her escaping would be one of those loose ends that could be left dangling as a tease to fan. That one glimmer of hopw that there may be another book. But, if this is the last book, then there would be no reason for J.K. to leave any loose ends. Besides, Neville needs his revenge.
1. Lord Voldemort: Good as Dead!
To all the Beauty and the Beast television show fans like me who have been eagerly waiting for it to be released on DVD, our patience shall finally be rewarded.
According to Samgoody.com season one will be released on Feb. 13, 2007, and will retail for $49.98. Just in time for Valentines day.
I did some further checking, and found an awesome deal at dvdplanet.com where you can pre-order it for $32.86.
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