A Sudden Realization
by edmorita on Comments
Today happenes to be one of my few days off, and so, I'm babysitting my three year old niece. She loves Disney movies, and even at her young age, she can name most disney characters on sight. So, we are watching Bambi, and (since this is the first time that I have seen it in years) I realize something that never dawned on me as a child. Bambi is GAY! No really. If you think of it, of couse he would be gay his parents named him Bambi for pete's sake! The scene that convinced me was the part where they meet Flower. The flirtations between an openly gay Flower, and a closeted Bambi are blatantly aparent. I.E. "He can call me a flower if he wants to," followed by batting eyelashes, and a look that made me wish I could meet a woman who would look at me the same way. I know what you are thinking. What about the part where they meet their girlfriends. It was a sham I tell you A SHAM! It wouldn't be the first time that two gay men have heteralsexual relationships to hide their inner gayness. Anyone who has seen Brokeback Mountain would know what I am talking about. And think about it. Bambi's father is the big Deer in the forrest. How would it look to the other animals if his son were gay It's all about keeping up appearances. Finally, the biggest piece of evidence in favor of the Bambi/Flower slash came at the very end. What did flower name his son? That's right... BAMBI, after his long time forbidden love.