Meandering Thoughts
by edmorita on Comments
Okay so things are really slow at work, and because I'm a salary employee, I am required to stay at the restaurant for at least nine hours when I am in schedule. Basically, if there is no one in the restaurant, then I can't really do anything. There is only so much that I can prep before I reach a point where I can't do any more or risk wasting food which would drive up the food cost. *Flashbacks of sitting in Cost Control class thinking of ways to end my misery* Anyway, is I'm not chit chatting with the other employees; I'm left to find other ways to entertain myself. So, if you have the nerve, come have a look at what odd thought that I was pondering today. Pinky Is The Brain! No, I'm serious, but first off, if you don't know who Pinky and the Brain are, then you are either still in high school, or have lived a very deprived life, and there is no point in reading any further because you will not have any idea what I am talking about. So anyway, for those of you who know who Pinky and the Brain are, let me refresh your memories. "They're Pinky and The Brain Yes, Pinky and The Brain One is a genius The other's insane. They're laboratory mice Their genes have been spliced They're dinky They're Pinky and The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain Brain." (Music by Richard Stone. Lyrics by Tom Ruegger) The song describes them as, "One is a genius, the other's insane." Now, the average viewer would assume that "genius" refers to Brain, but I say that you are WRONG! It is not Brain who is the genius, but Pinky. Just based on simple analysis of the song, it starts out with "Pinky and the Brain." Pinky is listed first, and Brain second, so when you progress later into the song to where it says, "One is a genius, the other's insane." The order still applies. Hence it says so in the song that Pinky is a genius and Brain is insane. Now we can take this information and apply it to the rest of the show. Yes, Brain does have a vast intellect, but who was it that foiled every one of Brain's plans? That's right Pinky, and the entire time playing the fool to deflect suspicion from him self. Pinky, being the smarter of the two realized that the best course of action was to make Brain think that he was an idiot so that Brain would never suspect his true agenda. Any and every time Pinky did something to mess up Brain's plan, Brain just chalked it up to Pinky being an idiot. If Brain were truly a genius, he would have learned from his previous failures and simply removed Pinky from the equation. All he would have had to do was say, "No Pinky, you stay here, I'll be back in the morning." The one thing that was truly ingenious about Pinky was that he played the fool so well that Brain never suspected what Pinky was actually doing. By playing the role of the bumbling sidekick, Pinky appealed to Brain's narcissism, and arrogance. What is the point of conquering the world if no one is there to witness you doing it? And so Brain's ego would not allow himself to leave Pinky at the lab. He needed to have someone there to see his greatest triumph. As a result, Pinky knew every aspect of Brain's plans for world domination, which made is easy for him to figure out how best to prevent Brain from succeeding. Yes Brain is smart, but Pinky's ability to foil every one of Brain's plots without him even knowing it just proves that Pinky is a lot smarter.