Give Jet Force Gemini a chance next, always loved that game. Then after the Banjo games play Perfect Dark and Blast Corp and feel the n64 Rare Domination ( with the exclusion of Donkey Kong 64 and Golden Eye, you can't play those).
I agree with your choice. I recently played through it on my ps3. The game is fun, beautiful, and varied. UC2 is a similar example. Both games are great to play through on a weekend.
@nintendoboy16: Yes I think there can be a future for Nintendo as third party. They refuse to make their hardware relevante or appealing to mass market and will keep bleeding out money that way. They can either turn it around and be serious about competing or the can go third party and still be succesful. I don't see a problem for Nitendo to fail as a third party. Maybe it's just bad to you?
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