TMNT isnt that bad, i played it with my bro and we both enjoyed it. A couple of scenes are a bit repetitive but good overal. just not worth full price.
if you see a steam/xbox/ps sale, get it. i got it that way and im happy i did it.
everytime i gotta defense de parking thing from the prometian i park warthog upstairs and hide behind it, so you dont lose the base and the rest of the team just focus on the killing.
@Aaronp2k got both consoles, and you can hardly say one is better than the other when you are playing. People think ps4 is way ahead when actually they might even notice it. I have just 3 ps4 games vs 12 xone games. You should try new things before talking about how great that item you like is.
@doahayatekasumi @speedfog this game didnt get a higher score cuz it full of glitches!! thats what you get when you focus too much on story but can even develope properly a game.
edro's comments