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Games during the week and weekend

Not a long list this week, either. Haven't played much during the week, sad fact!

  • Played a bit more Chinatown Wars, as documented in my blog, got a few more rewards. I'm taking a break from the game for now, don't want to get burned out on it.
  • Put Chrono Trigger back in the DS, started the ruined "future" (?) area of the game. Don't remember the details from my first playthrough, so it should be interesting.
  • Helped a friend get some Fable 2 achievements on Sunday, like the DLC arena ones and the doll achievement. Sadly, the dyes and statuette achievements cannot be unlocked via the old sell-one-of-them-then-buy-it-back trick.
  • Played a bit of Turtles 1989 and Virtual On with buddy Al (the_antipode) on Sunday as well. Virtual On is MUCH more fun in multiplayer, and I just stink at Turtles, really.
  • Tried playing Burnout Paradise on the return of Sunday Driving with Don and friends, but the darn thing wanted yet another HUGE update download. I'll have to download that during the week.
  • I played a whole lot of Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and managed to finish it on normal difficulty. What a dumb fun game. I only missed one of the one-try simulation discs, but the game is so darn fun I'm going to replay it in order to get all of the discs so I can unlock the bonus costumes.
  • Since I played MUA, I got the DLC that was on sale on Xbox Live, for the bonus characters. To sum it up: Sabretooth is the best of the bunch, cheap as hell, but fun, I also liked Hawkeye and Cyclops.
  • My review of Wallace and Gromit: Episode Two went live, check it out here. There's a bit of a problem in the score summary section, and I'm contacting my friend who's the editor in order to sort it.
  • Watched a couple of movies during the course of the week: Sweeney Todd and Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea. One was bloody, but fun, the other was yet another great film by one of my favorite animators of all time. You figure which one is which.