Hey, hey, had a good run writing these bullets, so here's the list for today. Not as long, I hope. We'll see in the end. Never plan these things out.
- Finished Okami on Thursday. Great game, lackluster final boss, sad to say. Everything in the game is beautifully rendered, but the last boss left a lot to be desired, both design and strategy wise. Something that made me cringe a bit too was how many times a particularly long - albeit easy - boss battle had to be repeated three times throughout the course of the game. Really unnecessary, in my opinion. Last gripe, promise: jumping. I was never a fan of jumping in 3D games, and Okami reminded me of that, especially when jumping onto banners lifted by the wind gust ability. There's simply not enough time to react in order to land the jump, and easy, close-by jumps are missed a little too often for my taste. Alas, those are minor quibs with the game, overall, it's incredible.
- Closed the book on Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. On an entirely different side of the spectrum from Okami, Onimusha 2 is a very annoying game. No, it's not difficult. It's just annoying. It has not aged well at all. Pre-rendered backgrounds, tank controls, no analog movement and the overall structure are really a step in the past in 2009. My save was at about 2 hrs into it, and it took me about 5 more to complete it. Next.
- Start Onimusha 3: Demon Siege yesterday morning. Now that's how you revitalize a franchise. Great game so far, far better game play, voice acting, graphics, mostly everything's superior in this. Seeing Jean Reno's gigantic no... talent is another plus. He lends his likeness in this game quite well, too bad he's not the English voice actor that takes over for the majority of the game. I'm already pretty far in the game already - at the Eiffel Tower - so I expect it to have it done soon. Yes, the game does take place in France. Come on, it has only been four years since it came out...
- I plan to finally start ICO after Onimusha 3, since I do not own Dawn of Dreams, the fourth Onimusha. ICO has been crying to me from the shelf for quite some time, since I was able to track down a copy.
- Jumped back to The Pitt yesterday night. I was avoiding it since everyone kept complaining about bugs and patches, but I happened to read the game ran fine off the HDD, my basic setup for Fallout 3. Got quite a lot of progress in it, no bugs whatsoever. Great atmosphere, quests and combat. I love the auto axe. It's so bad. What bothers me in the game is how polar and unclear some of the choices are, and how quickly sides will turn on you. I don't sense it lasting for too much longer, so it'll probably be in the bag soon too.
- Tried playing Dishwasher again as well - what a perfect demo game, seriously. Plays awesomely for the first twenty minutes, then it quickly becomes routine and repetitive. I'll insist on it since I'm reviewing it, but hell, it's a quick burn, seems like.
- Worth mentioning - started watching the new Clone Wars animated show. I have to say, I liked it. The fifth episode, Rookies, was pretty darn good, and the one with R2D2's kidnapping was also entertaining. I kinda dig the character designs now, eight episodes into the series. It was slow adapting to it, but it catches on. Fourteen episodes to go!
- Plan to get Penny Arcade Episode One on discount sometime this week - 50% discount sure is nice. Tip that Episode Three is close to coming out? Maybe?
- Putting the finishing touches on that piece I've been teasing for a while now. Spent quite a bit of time working on it for the past five weeks or so. And it shows... should be done soon!
Well, not much else to comment on. See you next Monday.