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Grand Theft Auto IV

Silent Hill 3

Final Fantasy X-2


Final Fantasy XII

Assassin's Creed

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

Dead or Alive 4 (Platinum Hits)

Wrath of the Black Manta

Batman Forever

Super Mario World

Super Mario All-Stars

Street Hoops

Spore Mobile


SoulCalibur III

The Sims 2: Nightlife

The Sims 2

Silent Hill 2

Shadow Hearts: From the New World

Pokemon Pearl Version

Namco Museum 50th Anniversary

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid

Manhunt 2

Jak II

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy

Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec

Final Fantasy III

Capcom Classics Collection

Atari Anthology

Double Dragon

Assassin's Creed
A brilliant game.
Assassin's Creed is middle ages stealth sandbox game, and a great example of a good game. Its presentation is top notch. Everything from graphics, to sound, to cut-scenes, is nothing below fantastic. Combined with great ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Everything a action based RPG should be but lacks the immersion
This is my first encounter with the Elder Scrolls series after my nerdy friends telling me how awesome this series is. So I saved up some money, pumped my computer up with the latest hardware and gave it a spin. The c... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Grand Theft Auto IV
Good old GTA, bad other stuff.
So GTA has come along fairly successfully since 2001. Their previous installment, San Andreas, tried to advance the gameplay by adding a bunch of new gameplay elements. Some of them worked, others felt unnecessary. GTA g... Read Full Review
1 of 3 users found the following review helpful
Silent Hill 3
Not too shabby at all
Well I had pretty low expectations when I rented this game. I played the first two games in the series and didn't like them very much. I didn't think they were much "survival" games when you could play it on standard dif... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
God of War II
Ain't button mashing fun?
Again, we have yet another game that has received huge praise (being called the best ps2 game ever), because of its graphics, sound and story when its game play is barely existent. First off, I will give the game cre... Read Full Review
4 of 9 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy X-2
What FF gameplay is supposed to be
I have to say, I enjoyed this game more than any final fantasy in terms of gameplay. The story was pretty lame, the graphics haven't changed at all from FFX, and other than Yuna and Paine, the voice acting was pretty poo... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
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