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DS a must!

For people who dont have a Nintendo DS yet you should go out and buy one. If you are a casual games go grab a DS lite cause they are cheap now and if you are a hardcore game get a dsi xl cause I believe that 3D gaming is not going to be worth it but thats another day. The DS offers a large variety of games that the Xbox360 or PS3 fanboy could even appreciate. Its nice being to take out my DSI anywhere and just play a game for a couple of hours that does not contain me shooting someone not to say that there are not good shooter games on ds (I.E . Metroid). Games need to embrace other games also which will help this industry grow and keep gaming around forever. DS offers a plethora of games to satistfy any games need. You can tease your brain around with one of the Professor Layton games or enjoy a nice music game like Rythme Heaven or Elite Beat Angents what ever your case maybe here is my top 11 DS games you should go out and buy for your system. The list consists of a balance of games that everyone should at least give a shot! Top 11 Nintendo DS games you should try! 11. Mario Kart DS- Fantastic Racing game that supports single and multi-card download that you and your friends can race your hearts away. 10. Metroid Prime Hunters- For you Metroid Fanboys you got the introduction of new characters into the mix which was long overdue but and awesome addition to the Metroid series. 9. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney- Yes I know you might night like to read a lot but this games has the best writing in most of the crap that they put into these games now. i dare you to play it through and not get addicted to this tap and go adventure/puzzle game. 8. The World Ends With You- What a fantastic RPG for your system. This game really utilizes both screens into a very high paced and great strategy game that should quench your thirst for a RPG. 7. Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin- Yes i did say Portait and not Dawn. Brought an inproved partner system. One character was a physical attacker and the other a magical and be used together or separate which added an interesting strategy to the game 6. Animal Crossing- Ok i understand it looks like a kid games but i dare you to try it and not find youselves planting fruit, going fishing, and waiting for that mail to come with your fossil so you can sell it to Tom Nook to buy more furniture. 5. Professor Layton and the Curious Village: Another great addition to the DS puzzle list. Great Brainteaser and really good story line 4. Elite Beat Agents- This one is near and dear to my heart and that is why its so high on this list. A musical game that would challenge and frustrate even the best music games out there. Fun and addicting this is a must try. 3. Wario Ware: DIY- Wario Ware games are so much fun. Not only is this game a high paced mini game madness but it also lets you build your on mini games however you see fit and thats is a big reason why you should pick this game up 2. Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass- What more can you say about this game its Zelda. Great puzzles and great combat and boss battle a must to any Nintendo owners 1. New Super Mario Bros: I find myself keep going back to this game to try to collect every coin. Addicting Gameplay and really fun mini games to play with your friends. A game for all strokes of life. Honorable Mentions: Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Puzzle Quest Final Fantasy Tactics A2 This is my first blog and hope people will share this and post back some feedback for me. Thanks!