You know where you feel where summer is going by super fast but at the sam time real slow? Kind what I'm feeling with my N64 games, just waiting. It feels like forever, but I'm sure the games and save pack are coming tomorrow. The ram expander is coming in a few days, but luckily the games don't require it to play. However it's been helping me do spend time doing my other hobbies, play the guitar (Les Paul 100 Epiphone with a Marshall MG-15 amp), garden, and ride my bike. I have a picture of my gardening skills right here:
wow, I'm awesome
On another gaming note, I've been playing Rock Band 2 again, but on the drums on hard. It's a whole lot better than the Guitar Hero drums. And Activision was wrong, Hot For Teacher is not "extremely hard". Back in November I beat it after a few tries. Rock Band drums are way harder (curse you The Trooper!!!!!!!!!!!) My favorite drum song in the game is Alive by Pearl Jam. It's just a incredible song and the guitar solo in the end is amazing. Definately the gretest setlist on a music game I played. It just needs to release Appetite For Destruction By Guns N' Roses and The Jimi Hendrix Albums (the ones where he was alive)
I've also downloaded some games a little while back. I got Super Mario RPG and on Rock Band I got Don't Stop Believing by Journey and The Trooper by Iron Maiden. Both are great but The Trooper is just pure fun on all instruments.