ehsan8888 / Member

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The Midway List Of Games I Beat In 2009

As the summer is coming to a end I soubt I'll really beat any games in the school year (trust me I get really busy) SO I decided to make a list of games I beat this year and the scores I gave them:

Call Of Duty 2- 9.5/10 I really like this game alot ad it was just straight up fun. The multiplayer was lacking though

Spiderman (N64)- 8/10 Great game, though it was on the short side.

Superman 64- 0/10 Don't EVER play this game

Goldeneye 007- 9.5/10 I really enjoyed this shooter, but I didn't have a friend to come play with me

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue- 3.5/10 Short, easy, repepitive, boring.

Viewtiful Joe 2- 8.5/10 This game was pretty hard and often cheap, but it's fun nonetheless

Rock Band 2- 9/10 This game is just excellent. After Guitar Hero: World Tour I gave up on music games, but this game proved me wrong.

Half-Life: Blue Shift- It was fun, but way too short. Though I bough it for only 10 dollars on Steam bundled with Half Life and Half Life: Opposing Force

Punch-Out!!- 9/10 r. Dream was hard, but not impossible. He's sort of a wimp after you get used to him

Games I'll probably beat by this year:

Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil- I just need the patience to beat this.

Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Perfect Dark- I'll proably beat it by next week

Jet Force Gemini- maybe......

Games I'll buy this year:

Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (PC) in December, or whenever I have a chance to play it