ehsan8888 / Member

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Update: Forever Young Edition

Hey guys, it's been quite a while that I have wrote one of these. Anyways I haven't been up to much, but I guess I'll do one of these update things.

Recently I've been getting back into Okami. I'm trying to beat all the backlog games I have had (which were 6). So far I have beaten 3 (LoZ: Spirit Tracks, Rayman 2, Super Mario RPG), due to the fact that when I gave up on them I was pretty much in the last level or had like an hour of gameplay left. After beating those I may go buy Demon's Souls, which I hear is rather hard. And I also finally set up my online play for my PS3. In case you're wondering, my id is ehsanesmaeili, so feel free to add me.

Though I haven't been writing a lot recently (the top ten and the review were already started on quite a bit back), I'm thinking on tackling the debate on whether games are art that Mr. Ebert has recently argued about.

And E3. Today's was a bit under whelming, but the awesome chat room with the other users made the experience a whole lot better.

I've also been following the World Cup quite a bit. For those of you who don't know, soccer is one of my favorite sports and I pretty much watch almost every World Cup game in those every four years (which unfortunately are at 5 in the morning).

Anyways, that's all I wanted to say in this short period of time. I'm hoping to write more of these small updates and that's about it.