So about a few hours ago I beat Viewtiful Joe 2 and I thought it was pretty good. However some parts were extremely frustratng and just plain unfair. I also felt that the last chapter had way too may bosses and enemies and by the time I made it to the last boss, I laughed on how easy he was. One good thing about the game over the predecessor was that this time you can save in between different boos fights, where the original you has to fight all of them in a row. Overall I really liked the game. The dialog, presentation, style, and gameplay was well worth the puzzles and frustration.
First Impression Score: 9.0
Final Impression Score: 8.5
Also I am also almost finished with Rock Band 2. I just need to do the Rolling Stone playlist and I get to do the Endless Setlist, which I'm going to try to spread into 2 days because I really can't play games for more than 1 to two hours a day, so it can be a tough challlenge for me. Heck lately I have not even playing games. I got Viewtiful Joe 2 back in May and it wasn't a really long game. So tomorrow my mind is set on that Endless Setlist. One thing I am going to do though is play on normal because there are some songs Ihave difficulties playing on hard (Visions, Painkiller,Etc.) and some I just can't five star Battery) I'm just trying to 5 Star all the songs, so it has to be played on normal. I can generally play through most of the Career mode on Expert and 5 Star 90 percent of the songs on Hard, but I really don't want to 4 Star any songs and have to restart.
One final note, I'm just wondering if you guys out there are enjoying my new Blog called "Ehsan Rants!" Give me your imput and I'm hoping I can get more ideas on this new blog. Also if you guys want to give me any ideas on some rants send me a PM and give me a topic. It can be on vidoe games, books, movie, andy form of entertainment and I'll spotlight you and give the reason of the rant. One thing is that I have to agree on the idea, because there might be some things that I can;t really relate to. And you can sent as many rants as you want, so don't worry I won't be annoyed. Have a nice day/night! :)