It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry I haven't been around the site these past few months. It seems that my writing slump has been going on for quite a while and I haven't had the saem motivation and enjoyment I have had before. The same has been going to gaming. I haven't been playing or buying anything, except MvC 3, which I will get a refund of because of my extras not yet recieved. That money will probably go to Ultimate MvC 3, so I can finally get my hands on Phoenix Wright, Dr. Strange, Frank, Ghost Rider, Rocket Raccoon, and most importantly, Nemesis.
Anyways, I just want to make this blog to indicate that I am still around. I apologize for not being here, but I suppose that I kind of lost interest in blogging and kind of buried myself in my studies and other aspects in my life. Perhaps I may return to my old ways of writing, but right now I just need time off. Reviews are still coming in depending on what I'm playing, but as of now, I've been a bit off. Perhaps time will help, but as of now, I'm still not in full potential.
Again, I apologize for sounding a tad bit negative, but I just felt that I ought to hae some sort of an update.
Thanks for reading.