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M.A.C. (My Awesome Computer!)

For those who were following and advising me on my first computer build, It is FINISHED! (for the most part, anyway) :D There are a few tweaks and additions still to make but it is up and running and looks TERRIFIC and runs GREAT!, if a do say so myself, and I just did. ;)

Like the name I gave my new Gaming PC that I built with my own two hands and feeble mind? MAC, not the Apple kind, but My Awesome Computer! OK, laugh if you want, my daughter calls me a dork too, but I bet you felt the same way when you (successfully) built your first one. I just don't have a problem with being honest and sharing it!

Now if I can figure out how to get some video and photos uploaded somewhere and posted, I would love to "show and tell" the results of my labors. :oops:

In Honor of Freeman!

Since Gordan Freeman is now the official ALL TIME GREATEST GAME HERO, I decided to go back and play all of his heroric games over again! I've started with the very first game, "Half-Life", and i'll have to say, that for an old game, it is still awesome fun!

I'll be playing through every title in the franchise, expansions and all (except for the multi player only ones, I don't do those much). At some point though, I will have to switch computers to be able to continue playing because I'm playing on a really crappy rented one while I wait patiently (sort of, :?) to be able to build my new "Dream Machine"!!!

Check out my thread on the subject (Build a Gaming PC)and PLEASE contribute any good advice.

My Hero - Gordon Freeman !!!

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My other favorites (that have since fallen by the voting wayside) are Sam Fisher, Lara Croft, & Master Chief. These have REAL hero qualities. Mario, well he's fun and adventurous but, come on, he ain't saving the world as we know it! ;)

Marine Update

Haven't posted anything in forever so I thought I would at least update news on my Marine. Hannah is stationed in Okinawa, Japan. She has been there for 16 months now. She was recently home on a 30 day leave during the month of August for her sister's wedding. Yes, my oldest daughter is now married and will be moving out of state by the end of September. Now I only have one daughter left at home. Phoebe will be starting Cosmetology school in November.

Back to Hannah, my Marine, she is currently Lance Corporal and should soon pick up her new rank of Corporal. She will be in Okinawa until May 2010, and then she hopes to get a state side assignment after that possibly in California.

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday and has taken the time to be thankful for the great country we live in, assuming, of course, you are in the U. S. of America. Even with all her faults I still believe we are blessed of God to leave in this great nation!

Have you thanked a soldier lately for their service? The next time you see one take the time to to just say "thank you". It will mean so much to them and it will make you feel wonderful too.

It's not about politics, it's about freedom. It's not about opinions or view points, it's about sacrifice and service. It's about taking the time to to show our gratitude to those who are willing to give of their lives and even life itself to protect the freedoms we enjoy everyday and that much of the world still envies.

Sleep sound tonight America, my Marine's got your back!


:D I'm VERY PROUD to announce that my new Marine daughter was promoted yesterday to Private First C,l,a,s,s. She is doing awesome and I am missing her terribly but I will survive! She's one tough cookie but still my sweet girl and a jewel of a young lady!

Note: For some odd reason my text preview keeps bleeping out my attempts at posting my daughter's new rank (Private First **** )as though I am using some profanity. I understand and welcome attempts at keeping the post "clean" but I think there's a HUGE difference between C,L,A,S,S, and any other word you could possible mistake it for, especially considering the context. Separating the letters with commas was the only way to get it on screen! :roll:

Marine Mom!

8) My Daughter is a US Marine!

That makes me a Marine Mom! So don't mess with me, buster!

We're part of the Fewer, the Prouder, the Women Marines!


Marine Girl

Just like to announce that my middle daughter recently joined the few, the proud, the Marines! I am immensely proud of her (and of course my other two beautiful daughters too) and am looking forward to her Recruit Training Graduation on Dec. 21. Oooorah!