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Shoot me now!!!

Yeah that's exactly what I was saying a few hours ago! I was having an "episode" with Gears of War for the PC, because I couldn't seem to get the friggen thing update, not only that but it wouldn't let me even sign in because of the update. I had to manually download the thing, and even then - get this, you wont believe what I'm about to say - when I started up the patch, it automatically triggered my Asus Bios update!


I myself have trouble believing it. A patch that automatically triggers my bios update, of which I have the latest... dude that's just f***ed no matter how you put it! Not only that but the serious nervous brakedown that I was about to have was honestly making me crazy; switching my taskbar to the plain old Windows one, screwing with my wireless adapter. Eventually I got everything to work and was able to get an hour and half or so of gameplay, great game, I'm thinking maybe I'll put up a gameplay video of it? I'm not too sure myself, as I just picked up Unreal Tournament 3 - great bargain price of 29.99 - and Opposing Fronts, so I'll see what happens.

GTAIV this week!

Yeah I know it's been a while since I posted anything up here, but University is a b**ch.

Random thoughts

I've got a few.

- Assassin's Creed fails on the PS3. Bad framerate, no vibration (yes I do have a Dualshock 3), no Sixaxis functions, and overall these collectables that are what the Achievement points for the X360 seems to be, aren't structure into achievements for the PS3 like Devil May Cry 4 is. I suppose you could fix those things with a patch - minus the framerate - but then again, things as simple as that go without saying that they should have been included.

- Patapon is a great game. I want to call it innovative, and an example that there are a few developers in Japan that aren't stuck in the same rhetorical cycle that developing over there has become.

- Metal Gear Solid 4 is starting to get on the hype train, I wonder if that train can give it as much success as it for number two. Clearly it's my most anticipated game of 08, and I hope that it delivers.

I think I'm going to start a special segment where I find the most absurd quotes from System Wars and make a blog post into them. Stuff like saying Peter Molyneux is in the same league as Shigeru Miyamoto, or that Fable 2 looks as good if not better than Crysis. Like I've said opinion is nice, but sometimes you need to draw the line between opinion and absurd stupidity.

Fanboy Edition - Getting caught

I don't want to get into too much detail, as I probably don't want to get moderated, but suffice to say if you're going to say something controversial, and if your going to say something without explaining it, then don't write it up, because people will hold you to it. This is especially true in cases that clearly depict how much of raving fanboy you are, but whatever. Damage control at it's finest!


Gamespot... what happened?

To say the least, I was suspended for a week, and lost a grand total of about 70 points, for posting an account suicide thread. That's my fault, I take responsibility, although I wish it wasn't such a huge penalty for my firs time. Even though I was gone physically, as one could say, I was still here, lurking the forums, catching up on the news and so forth.

One of the things that really left me dumbstruck was hearing about Alex Navarro leaving Gamespot. Even though my account is relatively new, I've been coming to Gamespot every since it was "videogames.com", so as you can imagine, I've seen people come and go; but now it's just becoming ludacris! I mean, he was argueably the last remnace of what Gamespot used to - well yeah Ryan Davis, Bryan Eckberg, and Ryan MacDonaldare also part of it - but it's difficult to think otherwise.

I remember watching On the Spot! With Rich, Jeff, and Dave; I don't think you ever got that feeling that it was a huge family anywhere else! But sadly, it's all over and done.

Team F*****g Stacking

I'm a big fan of multiplayer, hell it's pretty much the only thing I play on a consistant basis because the most amounttimes I'd ever go through a game might two or three -depending on the genre; you gotta be a pretty hardcore RPG gamer to play a friggen 200 hour game more than once. I just came back from a probably the worst f****g thing that can happen when you are playing an FPS on multiplayer - no it isn't lag - it's team stacking.

You gotta be f****g me. I guess I'm not one to talk because I wouldn't be complaining if I was on the better team, but the ass pounding that I was getting was a f****g joke. At first I thought that these extreme cases of team stacking, aka anal rapage, was only subjected to Valve games, in particular, the originator of almost all negative behaviour in FPS games, Counter-Strike. Was I f****g wrong today or what.

I don't whether it's that some people are just newbies, or are just f****g dumb as s**t, but when you see a grenade falling under you, pick it up! Christ, instead of running away and getting blown to f****g pieces, pick the bloody thing up and throw it back! Like what is wrong with some people? If you guessed it, I had the pleasure of getting anally pumped in Call of Duty 4, and then subsequently, Team Fortress 2. I don't know how to think any more when s**t like this happens. I only play Dustbowl and Well for TF2, and if you know something about the former of those maps - as fun as they might be - is a breeding ground for team stacking.

Why hasn't someone made some kind of program that fixes this? The ones that are right now, just make sure teams have an even number of players. Instead of coming up with bulls**t like "PunkBuster" which has twice now kicked me out of server and suspended me for a set amount of time because it couldn't find "key patches" - maybe just maybe developers could come up with a system that fixes that problem.

Then you got r****s saying "Try harder", or they start laughing. F****g tools, those are the dumbass noobs who purposely spectate until they can land themselves on a better team then let the better players do the work while they just coast.

That's my angry rant of the week right there. I got a new video up, so check that out. I was impressed with the Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo, and sorely pissed off at how frustrating it is to play Guitar Hero 3 on an HDTV. You figure with 3 titles out before this one they would have fixed a problem like that. Motorstorm is an addicting game, I'm having a far better time playing that than GH3.

Enjoy the rest of the Holidays everyone.