I was just going through the gamespot games of the year. If it could bioshock would win all of them. I hardly got through the special achvment awoards and bioshock was winning almost all of them with outstanding numbers. C'mon Best lisenced music it was only behind GH3. in that catagory it was ahed of Def Jam and Rock band WTF. It has music from WW1 time and it some how beat out "Enter Sandman" and "Tell me when to go". Thats digusting and unfair to other new Ip's on the market.
Also this game is not the GOTY IMO. Both Assassians Creed and Mass Effect are better IMO. I know this is not everyones opinion but Bioshock is somwhat of a runaway. I understand it was a good game but it did not blow my mind away.
In other news i might be getting a psp for Christmas. (3 more days) and need some game suggestions.
Also the broncos were elimanated from the playoffs. Denver just died a little inside. Oh well will Kick san diago's *** on Christmas Eve(refuse to use capitals in sd's name.) Theres always next year til then The Den is waiting.