Also, the Assassins Creed titles are well worth your time, but make sure to play them in order to truly appreciate the story. :)
elemental_drago's forum posts
100% back up this recommendation. Awesome titles! The ninja Gaiden recommendations are spot on too. Those games offer a decent challenge, but in a very good/welcome way. It may be obvious, but if you haven't tried the God of War titles, they are well worth your time, too.
edit: quick reply, failed me, these were supposed to be in a reply to "Fear-"
Haven't tried the highest difficulty, but i did get ghost. Near as I can tell, it doesn't matter if civilians see you in general. I've run right in front of many civs (they spoke to/acknowledged me) w/o breaking my detection rating. It will, however, break detection of they spot you doing something "aggressive". For example, you can't stab/strangle a guard in front of them. That will break detection. Same if they cross a dead body while you're in sight.
I had one run through a level where I lost the "no detection" rating for reasons that are beyond me. Best guess, a body dropped off a rooftop while i was near.
Also along those lines, a no kill run does not include the following (from experience): the enemies you encounter before the jail, rats, fish, and those pod things (not sure about dogs, but they were always near a guard, so i never messed with them). Also, to add to the above, if you sleep dart a guard, and he falls do his doom, it counts as a kill against you, so be wary of when/where you sleep dart them.
edit: you're not "detected", technically, until the lighting bolts turn red. Even at three (white) lighting bolts, you still aren't detected, officially. Best way to tell, with guards, is at three RED bolts, they will start yelling at you directly ("hey you, stop", etc)
edit the second: (a few stupid spelling errors, along with some basic grammar fixes)
It's a little cliche, but I think God of War 3 is worth playing by anyone who owns a PS3. ou will, wihout a doubt, understand the story better if you play the first 2 (also available on PS3, now, due to their recreations). You won't be lost starting out at 3, but you will appreaciate the story more if you start out at the beginning. All games are worth playing, too. Spectacular gameplay.
Also, I rather enjoyed Gran Turismo 5. Still play it from time to time, and for all the time I've put into it (read: countless, lol), I've yet to "beat" it as there is so much to do. They constantly add to it via the online challenges, too. Although it's not exclusive, Catherine has the sort of fully fleshed out story that I missed from my PC-Only gaming days (sorry guys). Worth checking out, although it's worth noting it's more story heavy than gameplay heavy. Worth at least a rent, imo, if not to at least to experience it.
Batman Arkham City for $9.99 at Best Buy. ($15 if you count having to buy the magazine for the coupon).2ChalupasDefinitely gotta back up the Batman Arkham City recommendation. One of my favorites of recent years. Also, I would recommend Heavenly Sword. Short, but at enough time has changed that it must be steal at this point (yep, too lazy to check, but enough time has passed, I'm guessing $20). Case in point, loved it at its original price, must be a steal at this point. Fun as heck.
*edit: caved in and checked: Heavenly Sword is $15. Not a bad in gues imo
Buy a PSN card then buy the skin pack.Chaos_BladezI think this may be your best bet. I was gonna hook you up with a code (drink that stuff all the time), but it's not an option in the catalog anymore. Looks like the promotion ended :(
I don't think that delays factor into the quality as much as release times, inherently. Delays simply mean they are they are taking more time to perfect the game(......hopefully. That said, more time does not eqal good game).
It's hard to tell, most of the time. I wouldn't lose hope in a game simply because a game was delayed. Sometimes it simply means they are they are trying to make sure they they offer something complete. If they delay to the holidays (xmas) well then they might be gambling on xmas purchases, and then you should be skeptical of the quality.
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