eliciab / Member

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Helpless... Have you said helpless?

Just when you think that communication can't get any worse, you discover that it actually can :lol:

I'm an impatient gal, that's nothing new to the people who know me a little. And when of course the problem touches my weakest point like being internet or computer-less, I'm usually jumping on my seat and wishing everything would go way faster ;)

So I went home Thursday evening exhausted from a long day at work. I was watching TV and grumbling because I still didn't have my internet TV back online. After a while I thought it could be enlightening to call Telecom and ask them when I could expect the thing to work again. Needless to say that it wasn't a very wise move :roll:

The first lady I had on the phone told me that as my phone only worked from February 2nd, it was still too early to expect internet to work. She promised to look up in her system and suddenly the phone went day. She hadn't hung up on me, but I couldn't hear a thing anymore :shock:.
I decided to call again and as you can imagine I was a little... angry ;). The second lady tried to help, but looking at my file she said that I needed to call another number because apparently some information were missing and that was damageable :(.

So I called the second number. A very friendly but slightly annoyed young woman answered. Strangely she insisted to have my account number. As I failed to provide it (yeah I was a little beside myself I have to admit it), I felt her annoyance rise by the second. I then told her that normally with my phone number she should be able to find me without any problem. She very reluctantly took it and told me without hesitation that there was no internet account on this phone number. :shock:
I insisted telling her it was impossible, as I had been having an account on the number for over a year and her colleagues had no problems to find me. She supposedly checked again and told me once more I didn't exist!!! :shock: When I asked for explanation she muttered something and simply hang up on me!!! :evil:

Of course I called right away the same number only to discover that the service was closed and I had to wait until the next morning to contact them again. By that time I was beyond angry and pacing my flat like a maniac :roll:
I calmed myself (which wasn't easy believe me ;) ) and called the first number again. This time the friendly lady on the phone told me she wasn't able to help me because they had a major problem with their systems and that I could only get reliable information the next day :(

Needless to say that I didn't spend a good and restful night. And knowing the hard day I had in front of me on Friday calling Telecom had probably been the worst thing possible... :(

When I finally arrived in Caen, I took my cell and called the second number again. And I was more than ready for a battle with those people who had apparently lost my file!
A very friendly and helpful woman answered. She asked right away for my phone number and NOT for my account number (she didn't even want that information). Very quickly she told me that my file was in order. I DID exist!!! :D
When I explained that her colleague couldn't find me, she was as surprised as I had been. She said everything was normal and every single change I had asked for had been taken into account. She meant my internet was going to work beginning of this week... :)

So much ado for nothing... :roll:

Pros and cons of call centers? Well first advice don't call them too late. If they are about to leave some of them are less than interested to help you. Another one? Call several times when one information you get doesn't sound right. I had the same issue when I moved to Germany. Every time I called about the same problem I got different answers. Just go with the one you like best ;)