eliciab / Member

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What the hell: You do not have access to leave comments???

I hate it when I try to do something and it doesn't work!!!
Now strangely some blogs won't let me comment. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but still it's a little unsettling!

After 3 days trying I could finally comment on Linsey's blog :D. But for Lindsey's... I still can't say a thing :cry:
Yeah well I guess it will work again for everyone soon :D

Carnaval is now over. Here in France it's no big deal except in Nice, but I used to live in Cologne, Germany where everything stopped for five whole days!!! During that time it was pointless to try to work. Most companies closed on Thursday at noon and people started gathering at different points to drink and party. I still have 4 outfits from those grand days :D I wish I could have been there!!!