Assault: hands down the m16. i consistently finish with 3:1 or 4:1 ratios with this gun, just got a platinum star for it recently at lvl 25 so im happy about that. the burst fire forces you to lay down controlled, accurate shots and turns you into an efficient killing machine. i feel the an-94 lacks the same finishing power that an m16 with magnum has because of only 2 shots in a burst. also, the m4 feels a kind of erratic and no where no as powerful. m16 all the way
Engineer: the ump. this is the only smg in the game that i can easily take people down at medium range, with short bursts while strafing. taking out snipers at short-medium range while strafing and firing 2-4 shot burts is awesome and usually guarantees a kill. i dont even bother using the iron sights with this, thats how accurate it is. its a shame that the clip size is smaller than the others. i think ppl generally debate between this and the ak74. ive never really been able to get used to the ak74 it shoots a little too fast for my taste and has too big a cone of fire, so medium range fights dont suit it, and it gets beaten short range by the pp-2000 and xm8 compact easily. i recommend the ump with magnum ammo.
Recon: I dunno, i never snipe although i plan to do it more often in the future. if im recon its usually because i want the c4 and motion tracking
Medic: dunno about this either. i know that the m60 is the best but i havent really had much experience with the guns. i definitely like the pkm but i just haven't put in the time for the medic class. i dont think ive even unlocked the debrillators.
post away what your favorite guns are and why, as well as any shooting tips you got!
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