Hey guys
Havn't blogged in a while but i wanna try and get back into blogging mood :)
First of all, today i completed the drum solo tour on Rock band, this time on hard :D. It was really tough, and 'Run to the hills' was the most exercise i've done today :P. My brother kindly did the bass pedal while i hit all the pads and we got 75% on it, which i think was rubbish but i completed it.
Secondly, I got a new ds. Which is the ds lite 'guitar hero' ltd edition (which of course comes with Guitar hero: on tour). Its really sleek compared to the old ds and guitar hero on tour isn't as bad as i expected, sadly only 25 songs but there is some decent songs in there (not including Maroon 5 :S). I also orderd the 'new super mario bros' and 'mario party ds'. I played the new super mario bros before and i loved it, but i havn't played mario party ds, anyone else have it?
See ya guys soon.