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Any challngers out there wanna take a Elite four?

I'm still bored and there is no challenger to take me on?!?!?

Well I'll be look towerds to a Battle.

Here Is my Friend Code

Pokemon Soul Silver Friend Code: 2966-1065-4683


Singles Level 100.

No Legendary, Hacked or Uber Pokemon allowed.

You may have the same items.

You may not use Double team or Minimize, But you may use any move that can lower stats.

You can record this on Youtube if you want.

I may give out A shiny Pokemon, But you must defeat me to get a Shiny Pokemon.

I will need your Friend Codes on this blog to fight you It can be from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver.

Have Fun and Enjoy Battling a Elite Four Pokemon and Metorid Union.