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I'm The Greatest Shiny Hunter! (A must read Blog)

Hey guys, I've not been doing this blog for awhile I've gotten a Total of 65 Shinies in all. I will tell you them all.

Shiny Pokemon:

Luxray TorkoalBulbasaur Gastrodon (Pink)RaichuSlowbroCacturne Gastrodon (Blue)

Pichu Hippowdon DusknoirBronzong


AggonAltariaPidgeot Milotic

MetagrossPelipper Lopunny Weavile

MukMagmar Rapidash Gyrados

Golem StantlerClaydol Drapion

VaporeonNoctowl Mew Mightyena

Flareon Venomoth Ho-ohSalamence

UmbreonBellossom StaraptorAriados

GlaceonSlakingNidoqueen Exeggutor

ScytherCamerupt Floatzel Pachirisu

Drifblim Tentacruel Bibarel

I hope you like them all.

P.S: I'm Awsome!