Well guys there are many Courses like the Noisy Forest, But there is one champion way and that the Winners Path! Get the Winners Path now for your Pokewalker and Get pokemon like Beldum, Duskull, and Bonzor. Look at Pokemon that never knew these move Like Magikarp learn bounce. It's out now (Just Yesterday) I hope you recive this Pokewalker Gift from The Pokemon Co..
5 Gold Medalist
Well guys I was at Track today at 8:30, Which was a Windy Day. I was able to continue though I was able to get 5 Gold Medals, which was very good! I'm gonna go to State June 5th.
I'm so up to this Gradutation! This year I'm gonna Graduate from Northeastern High School (Which is in Wayne County). It will be on June 4th for me.
P.S. I hope you are Ready for this. But you better Prepare in the Pokemon & Kingdom Hearts Union for The 12 Gym Leaders and the Elite Four (Which I'm a Elite Four) So Join in the fun, At the Pokemon & Kingdom Hearts Union (P&KHU) and Get your game on! Move Out P&KHU!