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elliot2005 Blog

3 Star Rating!!!

Just wanted you all to know after a hefty week of revisting the amazingness that is Mario Kart DS - I have got a 3 star rating!

Wasn't too bad - although I nearly screamed when I was about to complete my last grand prix and someone winged-shelled me and drove right past into pole position!!!

So...who wants a race ;)?

Link to the Past - 100% Complete

Well almost, save one room in Ganon's dungeon which I couldn't figure out how to get into - and judging by the lack of an explanation in any guide on Game FAQs nobody else does either!

And that was about the only problem with the game, sure it took a little while to navigate around...but the flute sorted that out eventually, and it was implemented in such a way that it was an essential item - rather than one that just made life a little bit easier.

This is one of the strongpoints of the Zelda series in my mind - absolutely NOTHING is wasted. Each and every single item in the game is crucial, and used in inventive ways - be it for puzzles or just opening up new areas.

It's easy to see why Link to the Past is considered such a classic, and this game alone would make Zelda one of the gaming franchises - without the perfection of Ocarina of Time (was cool to notice the flute in this game was actually an ocarina...but I'm just indulging in trivia now). The gameplay is just delightful, and hacking at enemies never gets boring because of the various weapons at your disposal - my personal favourite being the bow.

If you're going to get into the Zelda series, I'd highly recommend Link to the Past first of all, then progress on to the N64 classics. You get to know how it worked so exquisitely in 2D, and then see what a great conversion they did of the Zelda mechanics into 3D. It also introduces you to the main items (the bow, boomerang, hookshot etc.) and really helps you to get to grips with the series. Seriously, if you need a game, or have any free time at all - it couldn't be better spent!

Link to the Past

 Woo, just beat the last boss. When I've done and dusted the game (2 heart pieces and some rooms in the last dungeon) expect a full detailed blog on the game, and a nice review too :).

Starting to use Gamespot...

 Well I've finally gotten around to paying some attention to my Gamespot account, and it's working out nicely. Going through and adding my games to the collection at the moment - finished off the DS and PC games - just my GBA, GC and other Nintendo consoles left to do. Should get time to check out the unions around soon too, could be interesting, and hopefully check out the forums - which at first look are pretty good.

It's shaping up to be a very useful website actually, and with a bit of luck I'll complete Link to the Past on GBA soon (just a few heart pieces and the last 2 dungeons :D). I'll then be able to do my first review on here, and then maybe write a reflection on the experience and how the game related to other Zelda's I've had the joy to play.
P.S. I can NOT wait until 31st March, when Animal Crossing: Wild World reaches our shores. Fossils, fishing and Gyroids ahoy!