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elliot_ Blog

guess who's here?

hi my friends:D

look who came to gamespot just to say hello:P

yes it's me...i'm still alive^^

i didnt come here since November...and i missed u guys! so? whatZup? do u have news for me?

i'm still a little ceptic with gamespot...but this site has a gr8 comunity and i used to be here everyday!

i gave my ps2 to my brother who lives with his girl now...

but i still play games...i mean...i play 1 game! A gr8 game that i already play for more then 3 months...do u know what game i'm talking about? it's for PC...tomorrow i give u the awnser:) if u don't get (everyone already knows) -.-'

so guys:) see ya tomorrow then;)


my last comment in this site...

hi everyone...

this is my last post in gamespot...

i usually don't come here anymore... and the reviews of this site make me "puke"! sorry about the term... games like ratchet & clank (7.5), Uncharted DF (8.0), or even Heavenly sword (8.0) deserves better scores...so the conclusion i've made is...the reviewers only care about the MS console...and i'm a sony player like you can see in my reviews... uncharted is a great game, with no big bugs and a great prodution, better than crash bandicout and jak toghether:) ...and deserves at least a 8.9, i've played it and loved it! so i have no reason to keep reading the things that this site gives... please guys don't get mad with me;) i was just waiting to the review of the uncharted to post this...i'll miss you guys;)

for everyone that always been here in my profile i which you everyone a merry christmas;) and a great 2008!


R.I.P. colin mcrae...

my blog for the first time is dedicated for other person

i knew today that the rally pilot colin mcrae and his five years old son have died yesterday in an helicopter crash:(

i was in shock:shock:

R.I.P man...you will have your name forever in the world of videogames and as a great rally pilot:|

guys....have a good sunday...see ya;)

new blog, new top, and new video...

hi guys:D

here i am agains thnks god:P

today i've got a new video..hope you like it like i did:D recommend this one if you like it;)

it's from FF9...the quality is not like the others:( probably cus i used a dif programs) but in my pc it's better:?

go check it out;)


Today is my top of Final Fantasy in sony's consoles again
top 11 of bad guys

11 - Edea (FF8 ) - edea comes in no. 11 we all know that she wasn't so bad..she was possesed by ultimecia...

10 - Le blank (FF10-2) - she was a boring and unfunny character...

9 - Gabrath (FF12) - we all know that this guy is cool in the end...thats why he only came in no. 9!

8 - Hojo (FF7) - it was thanks to him that sephiroth was born as an ancient and son jenova

7 - Seifer (FF8 ) - this one is though and tried to kill rinoa but at the end he smile and that a "good" thing:P

6 - Cidolfus (cid) (FF12) - this is is very though and blind for the power!

5 - Ultimecia (FF8 ) - she was very though and without her FF8 just doen't exist (everything begun with her), a real sorceress

4 - Kuja (FF9) - the bad guy of FF9

3 - seymore (FF10) - Begin as a good guy but he was blind for power and forced yuna to mary him...this is a real bad villain

2 - Vayne (FF12) - the guy who just wanted war...even his brother betraid him...

1 - Sephiroth (FF7) - why he came in no.1? hum let me see...he was weak from the inside...he summoned a meteor to destroy the earth, he was the most powerfull soldier, he killed aeris, he could fly:D and he was really bad and with no heart:P

so guys what did you think? give your opinion and your fav villains;) now i got to work but when i come back i'll awnser all the comments;) see ya

hi guys:D got a new video...

this one wasn't made by me...


i just found! it's a stupid one...but funny:P at less for me...give me your opinion:D

how you doing guys?

i've posted the new ninja gaiden 2 for 360...it looks really good...go check it out;)

see ya...feel free to leave a comment:oops:

New Iron-man movie trailer

Hi guys...now my holidays ended i have begining to work today:shock:

and my school begins september 17th...my birthday is 18th :P

hey got some pretty good news...did you already saw the new iron-man trailer? no go check it out!! looks great...

click here to view the trailer

here some pics;) enjoy them!


now rest me to say "be cool" guys;) i have other videos made by me to post but not for today;)

hi everyone! got a new banner and video!

hi guys...what do you guys think about my new banner?

i was a little tired of the last one...made a new blogger too...hope you enjoy them like i do:P

give me you opinion guys;)


hi guys...am i welcome?

sorry for being disappeared...

i don't come in GS so frequently now...cus i don't have any new game and the ps3 is far away for being buy...why? cus it's to expensive and has no game...and want to play FF7 on it...but square refuses to remake the game:( and FF13 is in a distant future...

for you guys have an idea i'm playin dragon quest 8 and KH the 1st...

but my ps2 is becaming to old for me:P (not me for it) :lol:

and you guys? have lot of news don't ya? did you missed me?:twisted: NO?:cry:

just kidding;)

i made a new banner for TEVwalker13 here it is;)

hope he and you like it:P

keep it cool see ya

oh by the way hope you enjoy my new video:P


LEVEL 39...and a new TOP

just kidding:P

thats my character in FF128)

so guys? lot of news? i read today that time crisis 4 will be a ps3 exclusive:roll: the 1st one on ps1 was very very addictive and pretty cool...

Today is my top of Final Fantasy in sony's consoles:)
top 5 of main characters

5 - Vaan (FF12) this guy it's cool...but it's not like the other ones...who played FF12 knows what i'm talking about...

4 - Squall (FF8 ) yeah squall you are in fourth just because you smiled in the end of the game...cus this guy is really boring (whatever)

3 - Tidus (FF10) you'll cry...you always cry (i think you know what i'm talkin about) :P

2 - Zidane (FF9) now this guy was cool...knew how to treat a girl and had a tail like goku 8)

1 - Cloud (FF7) why cloud is the no.1? cus from a guy who was nothing...then survived from mako radiations...than he recovered his own name and became a winner...and was the ex-soldier who defeated sephiroth (3 times) :P

top 5 of princesses

5 - Rinoa (FF8 ) she was beautiful...but did lot of mess:P

4 - Garnet (FF9) she was very very sweet:D

3 - Aeris (FF7) made everybody cry when she died...and saved the planet after that...

2 - Ashe (FF12) for me she was the true main character of the game:)

1 - Yuna (FF10) she was so great that she deserved her own game:P and without her you couldn't summon the aeons...and she was very sweet...

yeah...thats my top...i really like doing this tops:P

have a great weekend everyone;)

my ps2 top 10 (part 2)

hi people;)

today i went to see fantastic four 2...and i really didn't like this movie...

was really disappointing...galactus doesn't even apear:( the only thing that this movie is good is silver surfer...

and anyone? lot of news?

here my second part of ps2 top 10...

* funny

* graphics

* epic

* duration

number 5

gran turismo 4 ****************

this is probably the best and one of the most addinting racing games i've ever played...the best in series for me...GT3 doesn't mean a lot for me cus when i got my ps2 the game already had 2 or 3 years old...and in march of 2005 (3 months after i bought my ps2 i bought this game) great graphics great game play...and over 700cars

number 4

metal gear solid 2 and 3 ****************

this is one of the most beautiful series in ps2 and psOne... but it's not too big...

number 3

grand theft auto 3 *****************

one of the greatest and addicting and funny games i've ever played...the city was so BIG

number 2

god of war ******************

i always loved mithology and this game is HUGE...amazing...the best action game i've ever played...personally was better than the first metal gear for PSone...:)

numbers 1!!!

final fantasy X and XII ********************

both beautiful, both diferents, both greats! both big and epics...final fantasy is the best series for me...no shadow of doubt!!!

if you never played anyone...go buy them now!!! those are must have games...i'vve spent more than 300 hours on boths...

the battle system in FF12 is amazing...really...but the story in 10 it's more beautiful and less "star war fiction"...

the characters are amazing!!!

now guys hope you enjoy the my top 10...thanks for everything...sorry for being out this days;)

but this time i'll will awnser all the comments...

have a great weekend everyone;)