Dear Dudes,
Sunday, July 8, I will be catching a plane early in the morning to Edinburg Indiana to attend to National Emergency Services Academy. Of that event, I'll be attending the National Ground Search and Rescue School. Of that school, I'll be taking the Emergency First Responder course. I've always been into search and rescue, mainly through Civil Air Patrol, but this very well may be the most hardcore thing I've ever done. Here's a cut-out from my acceptance package that describes it:
"Course Description:
This course fulfills all requirements of the Department of Transportation's First Responder curriculum and upon successful
completion will certify the student in: First Responder - Emergency Medical Care, CPR for the ProfessionalRescuer, and provide a
certificate of concentration in Disaster / Wilderness EMS. This
course is designed to be academically, clinically, and physically challenging.
Topics that will be covered are: scene safety, basic academic study skills, CPR
review, anatomy, physiology, adult and pediatric patient assessment skills, airway
management, oxygen administration, shock management, bleeding management,
environmental injuries / management, fracture management, spinal
immobilization, transportation, scene management, confined space assessments,
ladder skills, basic vehicle extrication, disaster skills, basic firefighting, basic
operational medicine skills, aerosol / blood pathogen training, crisis negotiation
skills, scene safety, and emergency medical services operations.
All Instructors are full time providers of Emergency Medicine that have extensive
knowledge and experience in the field of disaster medicine, emergency medicine,
and pre-hospital care."
So there you have it. I know it'll be intense, but I'm pretty dog on dern excited:D I'll be back Saturday night, the 14th.
See yall later!