@IPete2 Yea, c'mon Nintendo, bring Laser Clay Shooting System WiiU sequel!!! And btw, yea when you introduce new console, it's best to play it safe with old titles...wrong!
Thanks to Sony and Microsoft not playing safe, we got first Gears of War, first Uncharted, first Resistance...
@AndreasRufus @iowastate "Mario may be the same almost all the time, but it's still one of the best Jump'n'Runs out there."
Hmm, okay....Call of Duty MAY BE the same almost all the time but it's still ONE OF THE BEST Shoot'n'Die games out there And that's why we should buy them every year!!
@jmc88888 @daveg1 Yea....nice one -.- For example:
Gears of War is yet to release its 4th game in the series, while God of War has 6 titles (not including collections), and how many does mario have? Eighteen! Not including any features of that plumber or any of the mario kart titles
emandanijeldax's comments