The lighting and shading effects on Halo 3 vastly improve from Halo 2, actually most things do its just that Halo 2 had really good graphics so you can hardly tell the difference, e.g if Gears of War had a prequel on the original xbox the graphics would of been really good for it's time and they would look so alike to the Gears of War on 360. Because you would hardly tell the difference.
Army of two dont look too bad its just the fact that u wont be able to fight like 4 teams of 2 all on all.Brothers in arms might bring in a new level of realism here its looking good.
I have to admit that they zoomed in too much on the xbox version. But PC always will have better graphics than consoles, because computers made graphics cards.
Wot is the point of ordering pokemon dp from america cant u wait for it to come out here. Ur also going to get them here aswell.....JUST TELL ME WAT IS THE POINT?????
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