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Gears of War3 Beta

Hello, long time no write lol...I been playing GOW3 Beta, I feel is allot of fun. The oline multyplayer I feel is a mixed between GOW and GOW2 with some goodies included. I like the fact that fianlly I can be a girl in the game, I beong Cole like a football player is fun. This morning I got my Gold Retro Lancer yayy... My understandig that once the Beta ends you will not able to get Cole Fooball Player or the Retro Gold Lancer they were only exclusive for the Beta, plus a bunch of medals, you get to keep them once the beta is over and you get the game. I am at level 12 wich is cool, I mena I haven't rape the beta but I just play now and then for fun. Hopefully the game will be awesome!!!