Right, E3 06 is over and I guess I should throw in my opinion.. seeing as it hasn't stopped anyone else, eh?
I dont often write my opinions.. or at all, so just grin and deal with it later, okay? :P
Before I rate how I saw the big 3 (Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony) Present their ideas to the world, I should tell you a little about my gaming background.
I've been gaming since I was 4 or 5 years and my total gaming history in order was as follows..
Atari 2600, Commadore 16, Atari 800XL, Atari STE 512 - 1040, Sega Megadrive (genesis), Nintendo Gameboy, Game Gear, SNES, Atari Jaguar, PC (has been constantly changed and upgraded since), Playstation, Playstation 2, Gameboy Advance, Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube, PSP and an Xbox360.. I think thats all of them, anyway.
My views on the Sony Conference
I was a bit dissapointed with the conference overall, the first half of the show wasn't needed, Gran Turismo 4 HD, while initially interesting got boring very quickly, realtime weapon switching and the other Genji Hijinks? I dont know what Sony were thinking but I bet a few of the suits in the Sony head office scratching their heads.
The latter half was better though, a good showing of games and glimpse of the PSP's part in the PS3's future looked like it has some potential, then we were given the price and date which I wasn't too suprised about, I guessed the PS3 would be between £350 to £450 because I remember Sony saying that it will be expensive, so all in all I just shrugged at the price.
Oh, and for the suprise at the end, I was expecting it to be a very similar or the same pad, but the 6 degree tilt thing? A very obvious attempt of riding the wave of another console.
for a rating I'd give the Sony con 5/10
The Nintendo conference
I wasn't too impressed with this one either, to be honest they revealed very little of interest to me, we knew about the Wii's controller and about the downloadable classics.
Lots of bells and whistles in this show, litle clips of people 'playing' with the controller and the Nintendo rep constantly telling us that it isn't about graphics, its about gameplay or what not.
So are Nintendo going to be giving me games that I haven't seen before? Not really, more of the same Mario & co, Metroid and Zelda, this is my general problem with Nintendo, People always tell me I'm wrong about them, but I dont want to play Mario anymore, they just seem to be shallow re-hashes of their previous incarnation with little character and very similar plots and stories, Red Steel didn't impress and neither did Wii sports, which I'll imagine will be fun if you have lots of friends, lots of Wiimotes & add-ons, for a little while.
To be honest I have issues with their control ideas, the day I saw the remote design I was really unimpressed with the whole concept, I can see some games being very difficult to play with that remote.
Anyway, I rate the Nintendo con 6/10, it was more entertaining then the Sony one, even if it still left me in the dark.
The Microsoft conference
Of all three, I found this to be the most interesting, initially I wasn't expecting much, I have the 360 anyway so I was just expecting an update on the games and on the HD-DVD player expansion, which they did.
Now what did catch my eye was Windows Vista and the ability to play games across different platforms, PC & 360 gamers all in one community as it were, a very good concept to bridge the gap between console and PC gaming and have them both more accessible, aside from that Halo 3 and Gears of War looked good (though GoW looked a bit choppy, hopefully it'll be sorted before release).
I'll give the Microsoft conference 7/10
for my future purchases involving the big 3?
I will be acquiring the PS3 on launch if possable, the full package not the cheaper one, and why? I have had some great times with my PS1 and PS2 and if I can expect more of the same or better? great!
I'll be picking up the new Windows Vista OS, the lure of DX10,a more stable gaming platform and cross platform gaming sounds good to me.
I already have a 360, though I'm dissapointed with the games so far, hopefully the release of the PS3 and the Wii will heat up the gaming market.
As for Nintendo I may well be giving them a miss, I was very dissapointed with the N64, the graphics were poor and choppy, it still used expensive cartredges and its pad was awful. The Gamecube was also poor, its games line up was weak with the exception of a dozen or so titles (some went multi platform eventually) and again the pad, while it felt fairly comfortable, had the button layout that a 10 year old must have designed.
Unless Nintendo do something about their games and prove to me that the Wiimote isn't just a gimmik, I'll be leaving it in the shop.
I'm sure there are people who will disagree with me but there we go, if we all liked the same thing it'd be boring.
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