Iam totally serious about this.This is not ajoke thread . I seen this ghost for a couple of mins before it faded away. I have never had this happen again.
My wife and myshelf are out here in South Dakota visiting our daughter and our new grandchild.While in the hotel here on the air force base my wife seen a ghost in the hotel room two nights ago and just 15 mins i seen it for a couple of mins.Has anyone else seen a ghost in there life.The story goes that this air force base is haunted....
Hello to all out here in South Dakota for my new grandchild and to go to Sturgis. We were having a discussion today my grandchild is only 3 weeks old and i seen how my daughter cleans her noose because she is a newborn she cant blow it she has to use a suction ball to clean her noose. I think they should keep some of her first boogers in her scrapbook. In life you have alot of boogers why not have some or one of your first boogers.. I dont think it is stupid. Everyone else does tho.. What do you think.
Hello to all . Out here in rapid city south dakota and went to reptile gardens today and a rattle snake got loose from one of the cages and bit three people before they could capture it should they be able to sue the place.. I think so.. The reptile gardens shut down for the afternoon....What do you think. My family are out here for Sturgis in south Dakota...Which is near rapid City. This site is really cool brother in law showed me this ite . He also introduced me to Cysis. Thanks for letting me join.
Why is it that all the other races can be proud of there heritage example miss black usa or miss hispanic usa or the latino awards but there is nothing for only the white race and if there was it would be called racist hmmmmmmm. just a point of view dont everyone get all upset or bet telivission ..
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