The 5(Tera)FLOP of a PS5 wont sell as much as the XseX. Why? Well...
The Xsex is just so dam sexy... with its 12 Teraflops fun in a box; Its just the obvious way to go. And the games... Oh the backlog of games I'll never complete. God.. it gets my Xbone going just thinking about it.
2,000,000 unit @$45 per unit amounts to $90 Million for shipping; I think the numbers are mixed up here. This seems a bit too much for shipping when you consider that these systems fly in bulk.
Glad to hear we will have enough systems to go around!
@bdrtfm: You aren't manufacturing in anyway so yes the bulk of your business would be in services. Still its good to hear your business is doing well. No sarcasm this time!
@emmanuelguerrero: Sony titles have historically been more successful than Xbox. May also be the case this generation. I actually see the Xbox getting slaughtered.
@bdrtfm: The thing is I see that Sony is laser focused on games and developer support in making these games. Sony has also been working very closely with developers for close to a year to support the developers vision for their games. To this end the PS5 is very easy to begin development on. Which is great for gamers in general.
I know Super SSD sounds silly to you, but it will become clear to you when the consoles are finally out and the masses get to experience the games.
Well they have Demon Souls remake, God of War, FF7 Remake, TLOU, Uncharted, Zero Dawn, Bloodborne sequel is possible too. Ghostwire, Ratchet and Clank.
@bababooey12: Will the 3070 run better than consoles? Yes very easily. The Xbox Series X runs a GPU on par with AMD’s Vega 64 thats presumably 12 teraflops. When you put that in comparison to the 3070 you are looking at a card thats faster than a 2080ti which puts the 3070 at or above 24 teraflops.
So yeah the 3070 is basically 2x more powerful than the series X.
So if you own a PC (who doesn’t lol) you pay the same price as an Xbox series X and get twice the performance. EZ
Do you make a habit of being wrong while implying the other person stupid?
EmmanuelGuerrero's comments