@Utnayan: if Microsoft wanted they could put out the most powerful gaming console 3 X more powerful then the PS5 and they could sell it at a price point below the PS5 that alone could end the PlayStation brand .Sony wanted to sell people on 1080p and not exclusives so watch Microsoft make the next Xbox a super beast on a level Sony can't afford to match
@bobafetthatesu: I turn my PS4 on to hear the great jet engine sounds it makes. And how warm the room gets when the PS4 is on also I love the always dead PS4 control and the online that's down like 4 times a week
I own both consoles PS4 and xboxone and both consoles are just OK I still rather play my Xbox360 and PS3. But if I had to rate the PS4 and xboxone I would say the xboxone feels more like a step forward and the PS4 compared to the PS3 isn't really a step forward the only thing I find better on PS4 is the ability to hit the home button And instantly jump back to the main screen. On xboxone I play Xbox360 games with all the new features you get on xboxone the xboxone is better then the PS4 in many ways
"By comparison, Sony's PlayStation 4, the best-selling new-generation system today with nearly 36 million consoles sold, starts at $350. " ummmm Sonyspot.com
"It's also worth noting that the PS4 also has all of 2015's top 10 best-selling physical games, just not backwards compatibility, unless you count PlayStation Now.". Ummmm and people are puzzled when I call this website sonyspot.com
Sounds like Sony is just trying to copy Microsoft like they always do. This upgraded hardware in no way helps Sony they have the lead and they keep selling consoles all this more powerful PS4 will do is cannibalize the sales of Sony vR .I for sure won't be getting a upgraded PS4 I know Sony suck when it comes to software and software tools for developers is the only way this upgrade idea will work. If the xboxone gets a upgrade I will be getting that
This site reports everytime Xbox live is down for 1 person but it's rare that they report the 10 times a week psn is down .psn is so bad that I had to stop paying for PS plus I rather play PS3 and psvita online
@gotrekfabian: the turd has no games and like always Sony won't support this shit just like they didn't support the Vita,Sony move, PS eye,pressure sensitive buttons on the PS2 ,3d .every generation they put something out that they don't support
emptycow718's comments