Well thanks to Black Friday deals I've now got a gluttony (that's right I used the word gluttony) of new games to choose from. Not sure what I should focus on this weekend. I'm still playing Uncharted 3, multi-player and single player. I'm working on a single player run through of Dead Island. And I recently started up playing Battlefield 3, campaign and multi-player. The multi-player is all going to be ongoing for a while for both Uncharted 3 and Battlefield 3. I'm also trying to get platinum trophy status for Uncharted 3 which will require me to beat the single player on Crushing as well as a few other things.
Earlier in the year I was actually in a gaming dry spell for a while. Now I'm suffering from the opposite,too many choices. It's not a bad place to be mind you. I'd rather have too many options as opposed to no good options. Well I'm sure I'll figure it out. Somewhat it depends on whether I can get a buddy of mine to play or not. I really could use some co-op play in Uncharted 3 to find some of the treasure sets I'm missing. If not I'll probably be polishing my newly minted Battlefield 3 skills. I've still got to get the hang of flying jets and choppers.
I haven't even touched my copies of Deus Ex Human Revolution or Rage yet. Guess it's a good thing I'm getting a week and a half off for winter break at the end of the month.