Just when you think gamers are starting to get some recognition as normal well adjusted regular members of society who just happen to like to play video gamessome bunch of idiotshave to pop up and remind everyone that those stereotypes came from somewhere. Ask non-gamers what they picture when they think about people who game. What you usually get is an image of an overweight twelve to twenty year old who spends their days and nights locked away in a dark room, only socializing via headset, empty pizza boxes and cans of mountain dew strewn about the floor, and no significant other (i.e. girlfriend) to speak of as they have ZERO social skills that don't involve sitting in front of a TV or monitorwith a controller (and hopefully it's only a controller) in their hand.
And while I'm sure we've all met that guy somewhere along the way most of us (at least I hope that's accurate) are otherwise fairly normal people with real world friends and family, jobs or school we attend, and the usual other social situations and obligations that come with being human in the 21st century. Just when it seems we've finally reached a place where enjoying things like video games, comic books, and sci-fi/fantasy isn't perceived as the domain of social outcasts and weirdos you get a bunch of social (I don't want to say retards because it's not PC but I can't think of a better word so...) retards that do creepy socially unacceptable things in public forums that only draw attention to the dorky nerdy socially awkward fringe element that people seem to lump all of us into.
Even on Gamespot for example, any time that Jane appears on Start/Select you get a bunch of fawning pre-pubescent geeks drooling over how HOT she is. Now I'm a red blooded straight male in the 30 - 40 age demographic and I will say that Jane is definitely not hard on the eyes. I would even go so far as to classify her in the HOT category. But do I spend (or should I say waste) my time typing idiotic drivel about how gorgeous she is in the comments section in some idiotic psycho dreamworld hope that she'll notice me and suddenly message me up for a date? Yeah NO. I'm one of the aforementioned fairly normal socially well adjusted people that realizes I have a snowballs chance in Hades of ever speaking to Jane in any kind of direct way much less occupying a physical space within relative miles of her actual location. To these losers (because I finally found a better word) I have to say: grow up, get a life, and put the controller down once in a while. Unless you honestly think that Jane is just swooning over your oh so eloquent comments, just keep it up so that we can all continue to have a laugh at your expense.
That was just an example mind you but this sort of thing is just awkward and creepy, even to fellow gamers.