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It Only Does Everything... But Just for One

So the news is out that Sony's new PS Vita is only going to support one account. They're official line is that it will prevent game sharing and piracy. Yeah sure. So it has nothing to do with basically forcing households with two or more gamers to buy more than one unit. I love how a company can do something that is a totally profit driven decision and try to spin it into something that actually benefits the consumer.

Don't sit around with your marketing telling me all about how your company is all about giving me the ability to play the way I want to play and then put ridiculous restrictions on your devices that just don't allow for that. How do I want to play? I don't want to HAVE to buy two of things in order to allow my wife and kids to be able to play the couple of games they are going to play versus the likely dozens I will own over the life of the thing. Ultimately I was probably going to wind up buying two at some point but this pretty well forces my hand on Sony's timetable rather than mine.

I don't really plan to buy at launch since I want a library built up to choose from anyway. I know for sure that I will get Uncharted Golden Abyss and Resistance Burning Skies. My wife will definitely want Final Fantasy X HD and I'll still play that one too. There are several games announced that will eventually have titles available (like a Bioshock game, Killzone, Metal Gear Solid) but they are all either in early development stage or TBA on release date. I'm pretty sure there will be some Lego titles that my wife will definitely want but she also is considering getting a 3DS at some point. It just makes things ungainly and expensive when the point of all this hardware is to support the games.

So thanks Sony for letting us play the way we want to play. :roll: